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Erection problems =/

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Hey guys. Im 19, and never really been able to get a real strong erection. It'll get kinda hard and all, but not really too hard, it'll just kinda hang there. (yep, God hates me ) I was just curious if there was anything at all I could do to improve on this in any way? Thanks in advance

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  • 3 weeks later...

the truth is you got what you got. just like some guys have big ones and some have small ones, well, some have rock solid ones and some have rubbery rigid ones. your penis's "bone" is actually the corpus cavernosum inside it. they are basically 2 sponges that fill with blood when you're aroused. how much blood, and how much STAYS are up to your genes until fatty deposits clog it all to hell when you're older. but nothing will change it, that's just the way it is. use what you've got man! there are positions you can do that a straight-as-an-arrow guy would snap a blood vessel trying!

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one more thing i just thought of: oxygen! the corpus cavernosum LOVE oxygen. when they don't get enough, you're more likely to experience erectile disfunction (you're not disfunctional, but ED has some of the same characteristics). anyway, y'know how you get boners all the time at random? like sitting in class or on a long drive or evey morning? well, that's your dick's way of supplying all the piping in there with blood and Oxygen when it's not getting enough. maybe you should masterbate more or try to. maybe you should just over-saturate you C.C. with oxygen. it's worth a shot, right? just trying to help, man. you seem pretty upset about it.

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