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I was in a relationship with this guy for 3 years. We split up in January and his father called me trying the what he say break the ice. I broke up with him because he had issues that was overcoming him. Not because I stopped loving him or he stopped loving me. My boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend have a 1-year-old son together. When his father told him it was o.k to call me he did. He said he was nervous to call me at first. After we talked a few times he told me he wanted us to get back together, and he went to this other state to get himself together so he could do the right thing.before I said yes, I asked him was this what he really wanted and was he ready to do this because I don't have time to play any games. He said he was positive. When he came for our son's first birthday party we had a great time. When he went home(which right now is in another state temporarily) he called me twice. After that I have not heard anything from him and this has been about 3 weeks. He had a cell phone which is now disconnected. Even though he is not calling me his is calling his mother on a regular basis.(Something that he rarely has done since we have been together). He has not called his father either and that is the person he was very close to. His step father told me that my ex feels he has to have all of this money in order to contact me. I can't believe he said that because I was with hime when he had little money or none at all. His stepdad said he know that he loves me, it is just a man thing. Just keep doing what I am doing and he will come around. My Question is what the *Bleep* is going on here. I thought this was something he wanted. He came to me with the notion of getting back together. This was something that I wanted to, but now I am confused. Why haven't he called, what is trying to prove if anything? Blondie04)

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I don't think he nessecarily has an agenda, but could you offer a little more backgroun as to why you split up originally? I am not trying to be nosey, but a little more background about your situation would help everyone out greatly in analyzing your situation.


I am going to say the same things I have said a dozen times before, if you have not fixed the reasons for the original breakup, you are bound to breakup again. Problems just don't fix themselves.


He may come around, but I don't want you to do anything that will damage you or your son.

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