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Boyfriend and Colon Cancer- 19 years old

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Hey everyone...


For the past month my boyfriend has been diagnosed with IBS...he gets severe abdominal cramps..Since then, he has been watching what he eats to try to eliminate which foods make him sensitive. But its only gotten worse. He went back to the doctors, which then he gave him pills to take that would relieve some of the symptoms of IBS and for 2 weeks now, nothing has improved.


Now b/c nothing is working, they went over the symptoms he was having to the symptoms IBS would cause...and discovered that he has other symptoms that are not on the IBS list. In fact, they all match symptoms from Colon Cancer. Although, they all match, it isn't right for us to say that he has colon cancer. Though b/c of this, he is going ot go into the doctor's for testing for cancer. He is so scared..And what i need from you all is....some advice from those who's known someone young diagnosed with Colon Cancer...I'm not sure what i can tell my boyfriend. Although i did say its a good thing that he is going to go to the doc's for testing....i know inside he might feel like i'm agreeing with him saying that he has cancer.


He is young, he's 19 years old. And I know Colon Cancer occur more often in those who are 50 years +. But there have been the rare occasions when the young teen is diagnosed.


My uncle actually died from Colon Cancer 2 years ago...and he was 50+.....I dont know how to handle or comfort him for the high risk of him being vulnerable to colon cancer....he's scared, i am so terrified.


Is it colon cancer???? I dont know


Please some advice....

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oK, take a deep breath! Until you know exactly what it is, you shouldnt even compare him to your uncles case. Of course, even if it is colon cancer, your uncle must have passed away because he was older and weaker, and his imune system was weaker. Your boyfriend has very very big chances of making it because so many cancers are either curable or prelongable. I know that colon cancers isnt as easy to get rid of as for example prostate cancer, but i do know that they can do colon transplants. its painful, but its worth it. If his body doesnt reject it, he can continue living his life liek before!!! he might be scared and in pain right now,all you can do (until u know for sure..) is be there for him. Guys dont tend to share their feelings as much as we do, so he might not even tell you whats going on in his mind right now. Thats your job. You have to suport him, make him feel like there are so many people around who care bout him-which im sure there are. The word cancer is very scary, but nowadays its not as much of a worry. Cures are there, remember that. Inform yourself more on the subject because im only talking from someone whos father has had 3 different cancers... its scary, dont pretend youre ok with it. but dont make things worse by making him worry about the risks. No one here will know if its really cancer unless they have his tests results. Stay strong and be by his side

Take care

itsybitsymel xox

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Hi cakes, im really sorry to hear about your boyfriend.


I have just been doing a little bit of research for you and i found a website which may be of some use to you, it seems to contain a lot of information about colon cancer, what its symptoms are and what treatments are available for it.


link removed?


I hope it helps you. Remember, it may not be colon cancer.



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  • 4 weeks later...

my aunt had colon cancer and has been battleing it for 4 years. just recently she has had a check-up and shes clear!!!!! you really just need to give your b/f LOTS of support ALL THE WAY THROUGHT THIS. plz try not to dump him becuz this will make him depressed and it will weaken his will to live. always support him no matter what.


xxx emma xxx

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