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Sex drive pretty much no existant


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So I used to have a very very high sex drive but lately it has been steadily decreasing and is now almost non existent its gotten to the point where I see a girl I would usually find very attractive but feel absolutely nothing. Its been going down ever since I've had depression and went down dramatically first when I lost my ex then when I started on anti depressants. I know that it is a symptom of depression and a side effect of anti depressants, I have been trying to exercise more and eat better but is there anything else I can try do to increase my sex drive again?

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You should try different anti-depressants. I had very good experiences with Zoloft. Although I wasn't sexually active, I didn't find a significant change in that area. Lexapro/Cipralex has totally stopped me from getting aroused pretty much entirely, however. You'll react to different medications in different ways.

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Yea I've been diagnosed with clinical depression and am currently taking antidepressants (finally found one that suits me) but it has killed my sex drive (I usually get complaints from girlfriends because my sex drive is to high). I think I will go see my doctor in the next few days to see if he can make any suggestions.

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