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Everytime i see my ex i feel sick to the stomach! help plz!

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just wondering if there is any1 out there who can help me with a situation i am in. i split up from my ex bout 3 months ago, bad time really, after we broke up i found out i was pregnant n the suffered a miscarriage, where he didnt help or support me through the time at all! i was angry at him and also angry at myself n i will never forgive him for what he made me go through on my own.


The problem is, i work with this guy and everytime i see him i used to get upset and angry at him all the time, i tried to get him to talk 2 me about the whole pregnancy but yet he still wudnt talk 2 me. When i found out i lost the babay i told him n he went round work n shouted to everyone ive had great news shes not pregnant anymore. i was deeply hurt by this.

we have had shifts swapped around so that we dont clash anymore but everytime i do see him i feel sick to the stomach and yesterday i was actually sick! i hear people talk about him n it knocks me sick, its bugging me! how can i get over this?

I have recently met a new guy now, who is wonderful, but i sense that it is annoying him bout me feeling sick all the time n to top it all off he is his mate!


Does me feeling sick to the stomach mean im over him or does it show exactly how he makes me feel? Will this go away? and when will it?


please help me! thank u! x x x

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There are many things that cause stomach aches, but from what I am reading about your situation is that you still have some pent up anger towards him and you have been holding it in to keep the peace at work. Well, this anger needs to come out somehaow and apparently it is coming out in the form of you feeling sick to your stomach. Now, how can you deal with him and the work place with these sick feelings? There are a few ways to do this, but they all atart with counselling, because when someone holds in this much anger towards themselves and towards another there could be issues involving depression and other things. Go and seek counsellling, because believe it or not you need to talk to someone about this and soon. Where do you go from there? Well, you should follow any suggestions that the counsellor has and then maybe look for new work. I do not know if you like your present job and employer, but they are not the issue here it is your health and you will have these feelings of sickness till you seek help and change occupations or atleast employers.


I would like to say that you are in my prays for all that you have been through these last few months, but now you need to heal and your situation the healing process will have to involve a councellor. because there is a deep seeded hurt of two loses here and one is tough enough to over come.


Good Luck,




PM me if you need to left some temper out, for I will listen (read in this case)

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Why are you taking this crap? This guy is an extreme asshole and loser. He will never be in a truly happy relationship unless he goes through much pain himself. He will have to learn the hard way.


You, on the other hand, lost a baby - that is very painful. And for anyone to go around and make a joke out of it, or even take it lightly in the slightest way, shows extreme disrespect for life. If anyone is laughing with him, shame on them. No one would want that to happen to them.


You have also learned a hard lesson, and be grateful that things are not worse. You could have ended up with a child for the wrong man. But instead of dwelling on your losses, think about how much you've gained. Think about how lucky you are not to be with such a loser. Think about the experience you've gained. For a while, it will cause you pain and sadness, but down the road, you will be wiser, and happier because of your ability to spot losers like this.


If he EVER makes a remark that offends the death in your family, you have every right to complain to your Human Resources Dept, or your Manager. That is an insult to the highest degree. THINK ABOUT IT! If your mother died, would you let anyone go around mocking that?? What about your baby?


Have respect for yourself girl! You deserve better.

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