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what do you guys say about this?long post, does he like me?

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okay, sorry this is such a long post.


so when you read my question, please don't feel like you need to give me a nice answer, or a hopeful answer, i really respect it when i can get an honset to got opinion, even if it means you have to be brutal about it.


so i posted on here a while ago maybe a week or a bit more about this guy that i have a crush on and i asked if you guys thought he was too old and what to do. You guys said it was okay to like him and since my dad says its cool that maybe i should ask him out. Okay well i have been over at my big sisters house often for the last while and i got to know him a bit better. he is really nice, he stayed up until 3a.m. watching movies with me. he was going to go over to his friends house and chose to stay home with me and hang out instead. we talked forever and some how in out conversation i brought up that i was going to make a cheese cake for my father and grandmother the next day, He was all oh my god if you make me one then i'll bring you food from my work, he works at papa johns. so i was all okay, i thought he was just joking until the next morning he talked to me before he went to work and was all yeah i'll be home around 8'o'clock, so i made him the cheese cake and he liked it and he brought me a huge pizza and we talked for a while and he ended up going to bed because he worked so for a long time that day. Well the night before that when he could have gone to his friends house he was all, i wish i could bring you only my friends are going to be drinking and doing pot, i was all its okay i'll be fine here, and he ended up staying with me even though he really wanted to go to his buddies house before, i didn't ask him to stay, i told him he should go and he stayed with me instead.

well when i call my sister and he answers the phone he totally tesses me a lot, hes all ________? (my name) i don't know a ________. can you spell that for me, and everything and he is just really funny with me all the time like that. well i was just wondering do you guys think he is flirting with me, and could possibly like me .

sorry it was such a long post, but thanks for reading.

love Qtpie87

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I definitely think he likes you because he stayed with you late watching movies instead of going to his friends house. plus he trusted that you wouldnt snitch on them for smoking pot.

so yes i think he likes you but i d wait a little longer to make sure


please read my post in self injury "i dont know what to do" I think your input would help c u l8er

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