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male question

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ok whenever im "exploring myself" when i start to ejaculate the sperm just kind of drizzles out it doesnt shoot out like most ppl here say .....i was just wondering if this is ok or a problem and im 14 so it may be a maturity thing......

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You can start shooting idealy at birth. I say that because all males are born with the ability to produce sperm. All females are born with all

The eggs they'll ever have in their life. This is one reason it is dangerous for females to maasterbate, and not males. You see male will continue to produce sperm, but females are set with only so many eggs.

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I think it also may be affected by how often you jack off. Of course if you jacked off several times in one day, you aren't going to have very much cum which may make it just drizzle down.. however if you haven't done it in a long time it will most likely shoot out.


I think it's a combination of maturity and what I described above.

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  • 2 months later...

I am 26 and healthy not having any depression

But of late I have a problem masturbating. I dont ejaculate well enough. Before it was good. I am afraid that I might have done some harm to my organs or I am not eating proper diet

Because earlier I used to masturbate more than 2 times a day, but nowadays I am not able to masturbate properly even once a week.

Please advice whether I should eat sonething special? (I am a vegetarian)

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when I first started it didn't shoot out....I was about 14 or 15


then when I reached 17, I started shooting out...


and now that I'm 19....


I shoot about 3-5 cum shoots...is that normal?


and they go about a foot away...just the first two...then rest just just couple inches away...

I just wanted to know if its normal...


Also...the cum is always white, and once on a foold moon...its a little creamy color..


I either masterbate once a day, or just sex once a day.

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To all you 36-year-old Hoosiers out there handng out sex advice to kids (you know who you are), get your facts straight PLEASE before you start handing out pearls of wisdom.


It is not "dangerous" for anyone to masterbate, including women. You are born with all your eggs at birth, this is true, but you release them in timed cycles (hence the menstrual cycle), one or sometimes two a month, in the middle of your cycle. This time is what is commonly referred to as "ovulation."


During this time the egg is released from the ovaries. If it is fertilized, it travels to the uterus and embeds itself (pregnancy). If it is not fertilized, the old uterine lining is shed before new lining replaces it and the cycle happens again (menstrual period).


Since men must deposit their sex cells OUTSIDE of their body, they ejaculate their sperm when they orgasm. Since women's sex cells stay INSIDE their bodies for fertilization, they do not expel eggs during sex/orgasm/masterbation. The only time an egg leaves a woman's body is one unfertilized egg a month in her menstrual flow.


Women's orgasms are generally caused by clitoral stimulation, which has NOTHING to do with fertility or pregnancy, and thereforeeee does not affect her eggs.


Please, some kids and teens here are very impressionable, and expect you to show them the courtesy of only answering their questions if you know an answer. If you are a man in your 30s, they assume you know your stuff, so get your facts straight, or you will mislead.

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