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GF feels like she is having her period but isn't bleeding. Why?

Sam _

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I know that one symptom of pregnancy is the feeling of having a period but not bleeding but my GF has that symptom and she is worried.


She says (through IM) "I am coughing and my lungs feel like they are made out of lead, no period, and from my belly botton down will start hurting really bad randomly, i have a headacke, and feel like I'm going to threw up. Its been going on for about a week...but it really got bad the day after thanksgiving...that was the day my period was supposed to come too"


We started having sex about a month ago and we've used a condom every time. I really don't think any of them broke (I use the trojan exstacy condoms). Plus, she even took two pregnancy tests and they both said "Negative". But she is still worried.


Ease our minds or some advice, please?

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I had the swine flu vaccine last month (Oct) about a week before my period was to come--it came on time. Vaccines usually take at least two weeks to "kick in", i.e. the person acquire the immunity needed to consider him/her protected against the disease.


(I nearly fainted when I got the shot--I could tell the moment it entered my bloodstream. Shots and blood don't normally make me queasy--at all.)


This month I have been completely out-of-whack and was nearly a week late. Drove me nuts.


Hopefully your gf will be ok.


Oh--did she have the injection, or the nasal vaccine? Those symptoms kind of sound flu-like to me! I'd be worried...she should see a physician. She could indeed be having an adverse reaction to the vaccine.

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