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Trainer at the gym


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I can't believe I'm posting in this section.


I still talk to my ex, and still am very heartbroken over him. BUT.. for the first time since my breakup, I've found attraction in someone else!


This trainer at my gym is so hot! For the first few weeks I saw him, he would just wave and smile at me, but he'd stare whenever I was around him.


I talked to him for the first time a few days ago. I was working out and he was staring at me a lot (as usual) lol. Later, he took my body fat percentage and weight and we talked for like 15 mins. I found out he is 28 (I'm 17), so now I'm skeptical. He found it really interesting that I was a wrestler. I really wanna ask him out or for his number but I'm scared that he isn't interested because of my age, or just in general!


Should I ask, and how? It's been awhile since I've done this lol!

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Why not book a few sessions with him to get to know him better? Then you also get some great workouts in!


It's a lot easier to get to know a little about someone when actually interacting with them a bit more, than it is just to randomly approach. Some small talk can get you far. Casually ask if he's seeing anyone. If so, stop, if not, ask if he's interested in coffee.


Personally, I think it's quite a large age gap, but to each his own. Might as well give it a shot. Worst that happens? He say's no, and you got some new workouts.

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The money thing is totally understandable. I've been there, trying to pay for a trainer with low funds >:S


I found that working out regularily at my gym helped me build small relationships with the trainers there. They recognize you're there all the time, and smile or wave or notice your commitment (at least!).


So try doing that, ask for some small pointers from him during your own workout (they are ALWAYS willing to help it seems, at least at my gym, and again, it only helps you out) and then build from there to the coffee thing if you're really nervous.

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