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Tired, sick, sad...

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I don't know what to do about how I'm feeling.


I'm really sick and tired and sad feeling because of these reasons:

1. My best friend who I really like has led me on for about a year, snuggling and flirting and stuff, then I found out that he has a girlfriend, and he still acts as if he doesn't.

2. My mum has had cancer for three years and the doctors keep telling us that she won't make it.

3. I'm up half the night because I can hear my mum throwing up from her treatments that aren't even working.

4. My mum can't work because she's sick, and my dad had to leave his job so that he could take care of my mum. Somehow they need to pay for food for our family of six, hydro bills, water bills, and incredibly high hospital bills.

5. I have insane amounts of schoolwork because I'm in an accellerated program at school.

6. My dad looks after another family's kids after school every day, which means that while I'm stressing over my thousand pounds of homework, there are a half dozen kids screaming and running around the house, and when my dad has to bring my mum to the hospital, guess who's in charge of them?


I'm so stressed out and I know its not healthy, and I'm getting so little sleep. I don't know what I can do to de-stress. I havent been able to hang out with my friends outside of school in so long because I'm always busy trying to balance the rest of my life, so I can never fit them in.

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