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survey: how long until you get engaged?

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It takes time to really get to know a person. You have to be able to spend some quality time. Everyone is different, I have know people to fly to Vegas after 3 day and people that never hook up after 10 years. I would have to say that 2 years is a safe time frame.






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Hmm yeah that`s what i think about... i did have some longer relationships but i never thought about getting engaged.

even after a longer time, even after knowing each other.


so hmm you never know do you?


if you love somebody time shouldn`t change it.

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I think the timing is differenct for everyone, but would say it takes at least a good 6 months to begin getting comfortable with each other. It's defintiely too serious of a step to not be sure that this is the person you want to be with indefinitely...forever is a very long time. Give yourselves time to get to know each other...enjoy the journey.




Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart....and they both take practice.
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I've been engaged once before (never ended up marrying)-- but I came close in my 2nd relationship.. I've noticed (that with me anyways) the average of about 3 years together constitutes as a good time to get engaged... After that time, you've been through a lot of things, and things differ greatly from time to time... For some its longer, some shorter... but I found that 3 years was JUST right.

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I agree that timing is different for all people. I say you get engaged when you are comfortable with the person and just love them more and more every day that goes by. Including all the flaws and annoying habits. Getting to know the person is the most important thing and asking yourself, could I be with this person.


I got engaged after dating my husband for about 4 years. After a while, I knew my life was with my husband because he made me a better person and I wanted to share my experiences with him. We shared the same goals, dreams, and built a foundation for marriage in those 4 years.


My sister didn't get engaged and married until after 6 or 7 years. A coworker of mine did after 3 months. So it's different for everyone.

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hmm me and my ex knew each other for about 5 years and were in a relationship for 2 years and i never thought about getting engaged... when he asked me it was shortly before we broke up and i would have never get engaged with him.

i thought it was just his last try to hold me maybe to tie us together...


now i am with my boyfriend for about three month we know each other longer than that. and i have never ever felt like that. i know i wanna be with him. and i want to have him near me and i want to live every day with him.

i know he feels the same.


we had a long talk nobody of us spoke directly of getting engaged but it was obvious... more than that...


so we just feel like we are kind of crazy. but crazy in love. and really happy.




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  • 2 months later...

None of us know what is around the corner so it's unfair to put a time limit on love. I have known my fiancé only 6 months and been dating him for 3 and I am totally in love, we spend alot of time together and have also seen each other in bad moods, sick, upset and happy and this has just made us stronger. He proposed a couple of weeks ago and I accepted because for the first time in my life everything feels right. I know at the beginning of a relationship it all feels like a fairy tale but I truly believe that this man is my soul mate. I was engaged before but the guy had no intention of marrying me he just wanted to keep me quiet! He hadn't even got divorced after 5 years with me so I knew he wasn't going to marry me. I am very happy and think that if you are fortunate enough to find love when you think you never will again you should not let time constrain you.

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I've been married/divorced twice and i have never loved anyone more than i love my wife-to-be

We have been together for just months and i would give my life for her.

It has taken me 35 years to find the woman of my life.

I had already given up in love, until i met her and she has turned round my whole life.

For once i have a real life and someone who i can share everything with.

I love her more than life itself and although we are first going to get engaged, i could marry her right now!!!.

I just love her with all my heart and have no eyes for anyone else.

I know that we will have our problems, because every relationship has them at some point, but i know that love will help us go through anything that life brings us bad or good.

I just want to spend my whole life with her.

People used to tell me that it was too soon...bla...bla...bla...but i just don't care because it's about us, and our life's together, and no one is going to live our life's for us.

It's not about time, it's about LOVE!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

After reading some of these posts it's clear that it varies A LOT from person to person. I knew my fiance for 8 months before we got engaged. We had both dated a lot of people before we met, been in long term relationships and are in our mid-late 20's. We have a lot of the same interests and goals, so we wanted to start out life together

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Since I've never been engaged, it's difficult for me to say 'how long' it should take, or give an appropriate timeline.


Before I met my boyfriend, I had never thought of marriage. I actually always thought that marriage was the best way to ruin a perfectly good relationship, lol. Now I find myself imagining what a ring would look like on my finger, it's crazy. We've been together for a year and he sometimes makes comments like, "when we're married" or something, but he's never really serious about it (I don't think so anyhow).


I would think that at least a year is a good amount of time.

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