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Something to think about...

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Last night I was out with a wonderful group of girls and they made me realize something about my life as well as my current break up. Its been a month since my ex broke up with me and its been really hard. But last night I went to finally pick up the last of my things. I hung out at my ex's place for a couple of mins and went back home. And I was completely fine!


What i've realized is my break up is so insignificant when there are people out there that are facing far more worse things. We see our break ups as the end of our lives when it isnt and when someone else is actually is. What if we do have till tomorrow to live? Would we still pine over our ex lovers that don't want us or would we try to enjoy our lives to the fullest? I know we get preoccupied with our break-ups because its whats going on in our lives but why cant we see whats going on out there in the world. Life is so precious and we should just go out there and do everything we want to do. Screw our ex's! Show them that you can live! Enjoy life!

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