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Fiances dad died, and we need advise on his little brothers.

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I have really bad news. I dont know if i had posted it or not, but Rob's mom had died early last month. His dad took off with his brother George, and left Charlie with us. Well, today, my cell phone rang around 2:45 and it was Rob's brother George. He said that his daddy wouldn't wake up. Rob and I jumped right into the truck, dropped off Aiden and Charlie at my sister's, and went straight there. When we got there, George was sitting out front, and I had Rob stay out there with him. I went in and found his dad laying on the couch, not moving. I walked towards him and found an empty vodka bottle and an empty bottle of sleeping pills/pain killers. I felt his neck for a pulse, and there was none. I grabbed my cell phone and called the police. They arrived in about 5 min. and they took him out in a body bag after checking him out.


We brought George back to the house, and he is downstairs playing with my 4 year old nephew now. We have Aiden and Charlie back and we're trying to decide what to do. Rob is really mad right now because he can't believe his dad could do this to these kids.


I just talked to his dad's lawyer, and he said that June's (rob's mom) life insurance check should be here by thursday. He said that it would be anywhere from 500,000 dollars to 750,000. He also said that because of his father committing suicide, we would most likely not get a check, but that does not matter. Her check doesnt even really matter. It helps, and we could use it, but the most important thing is that we love these kids, and we will do anything for them.


We have no idea what to do with George. Neither of his parents are alive, and he refuses to stay with us tonight. He wants to stay with his other brother Damien, but he lives up in Pennsylvania pretty far (we live in NJ). We have no idea what to do. Please help. We really need it.

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Hey there


Sorry to hear all this...Well, i guess its hard for any1, especially a lil boy..

If he wants to be with his big bro, he shud indeed be with him...i dunno how old George is, but he prolly feels more secure with Damien...Isnt he comin over?? If he is, then George shud be with him, unless he changes his mind...or Damien doesnt want that....


But, u guys can show that u care, take him out, let him relax for some time and tell him u r there for him whenever he needs u...also make sure he doesnt feel alone/lonely...


Time is the best healer!!


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Ok jafreak, I hate to burst your bubble but I'm having a real tough time believing this event. And here's why:


  • There is no way the police would allow two minors to take home a minor to care for. Child protective services would be called, and the child would be taken into custody until a suitable place for him to live could be found.
  • The mothers life insurance check would pass to the father first. It would go into his estate because he was alive when the death occurred. It would not simply pass to you and they certainly could not turn it around so fast if these events occurred today as you claim. Death certificates have to be issued, things investigated, paperwork processed, etc. And because this is a suspicious death there will be an autopsy to determine the cause of death. All of this takes lots of time.
  • Police do not remove the dead body. That is for the paramedics to declare death. And the coroner would remove this body since the death is suspicious.
  • This will have to go through probate since Rob is a minor. And he will not receive cash, it will have to go to his guardians since both his parents are now supposedly dead. They would not just send you a check.
  • You also do not seem to mention anything about how this affects Rob. I'm sorry but to lose BOTH his parents in a one month period? He'd just about be losing his mind right now but you seem pretty hung up on insurance money and how much it is.


In short jafreak, your story just is not holding up. I dont know what is really happening - but what you have just described is impossible. This story could not have happened as you claim.

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