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not sure what too do... this is a killer

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I received this email from the woman who is the love of my life. She had called me almost everyday for the past 3-4 months... at all hours... she told me he is not me... there will never be another me... please advise and encourage me in the right direction...




I am going to try and write this withour getting long and boring and I know you will be hurt and angry and for that i am sorry , but I can not longer do this .


You made mention not to long agon that I never send you cards or emails, or call as often as I use to. We both know the reason why.


I have been doing a lot of thinking this last week. It has become clear to me that you are a part of my past. Bad or good thats where you are.


I am not blaming you for anything nor will I blame myself,,life is just what it is.


I am saying Goodbye for the last time. I have blocked all emails,,I am having my cell number changed immediately.


I am going to fade away.


I am sure you are wanting a reason. You know the reason in your heart.


I am in love with another man,,as hard as I tried to let it go , I simply can not.


I wish you all the best that life has to offer. It would be better if you hated me now.


I have wanted to write this email for days now. This is the day.


Goodbye, N

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Ouch. Sorry to hear about that just jeff. first, you'll need this:






A band-aid.... may not have come out that well, but it looked good when i was typing it.

I can see that something happened. Something serious, that me, being a 14 year old, would not understand. But i cane say, even though you've probably heard it before, you're going to be ok. i've expierenced the pain of being dumped, or abandoned... although i admit it wasnt as severe.

i was devistated. i thought i wasnt gonna be the same again. my parents began to worry because i shut myself up. i didnt talk, i didnt do anything. but then i met this guy, who couldnt be any greater. and now.... we've been dating for 2 years. and im so unbelievably happy. so much happier than i was when i was with the other guy. it can happen to you to.

good luck. ttyl. bye.

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what! ohh man thats crazy, I hope you can get your head to stay stable, because i went through the same thing, and almost lost it. To this day im still going crazy over her, and plotting ways to retrieve her. I really dont understand how women can really just drop somebody like that, happened to me in 15 minutes. I know how you feel man, my girl WAS the one, and now its over, and i know that you may find another one, just gotta improve. Pretend like she died, and just morn and keep morning. Talk to lots of people and dont hide your feelings, and just improve yourself to the max. Me personally i try to fallow the ex's life, even tho it hurts, i just need to know when to strike again. but yet yours did change cell number, so thats weird, mabye shes just playing games. You never know if she will return just be ready if she does. play your cards right, forgive but dont forget and you can do anything you set your mind to. just live it up, mabye if she sees you ballin steady, she will wonder.

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Everything in life happens for a purpose; I believe this has happened for a purpose although I am not aware of what the purpose is. She likes to play it safe, this new relationship is just that; safe.


I will not track her, or plot my next move. I am using no contact; besides she lives 600 miles away from me. Absense makes the heart grow fonder or allows it to forget, in this case she will never be able to forget me/us.


I will date, exercise and keep generally occupided, but if there is contact... it will be her contacting me. The silly thing is, I have her home phone and work phone... she knows this... she still has all of mine, changing her cell number was for her sake (if she really is; i think its smoke and mirrors).


But thank you for the input, and I hope your relationship works out as it was intended.



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