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Flatmate trouble, grrr


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Our flat is made up of me, a gay couple (one who is my bestie) and a girl who is good friends with the other guy. She's only been living with us 8 months when it became too expensive for just the 3 of us.


She's been trouble from day one. She's lazy, rude, inconsiderate especially as me and my bestie are shiftworkers, obnoxious and superficial. She just had her boyfriend come stay for 10 days without telling any of us he was even coming!


So the other night, my bad, I took a scoop of her ice cream. I was flying out early the next morning to Australia so I planned to tell her when I got back and replace it if need be. My bestie also took a scoop. When her boyfriend was staying he did drugs in the house and ate half my leftover pizza which I was annoyed at but I let it go as I'm not one for confrontation.


I came back from Aussie to find she had written on my Facebook wall for the whole world to see - "so how about how you ate all my ice-cream? Jenny Craig much!!!" I'm failing miserably at Jenny Craig and not many of my friends know I'm on it. I was so humiliated but gracefully apologised on the site. I rang Mum to have a vent and this little sk@nk decided to eavesdrop by sitting on the stairs outside my room! Now she's not talking to me at all and splashing more stuff accross Facebook like "some people just don't get it!" and "you can't leave anything lying around here, before you know it it's gone!"


My bestie has, very wisely, said he's staying out of it, and he doesn't understand why she's just targeting me when we both did the same thing! I don't know how much longer I can live with her. I REALLY don't want to move out as this is the best living situation I've ever been in before she came along but I don't want the guys to be put in an awkward spot either. When is enough enough? Should I confront her or just hope things will pass? It's making the whole house a very tense place to be.

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who's name is actually down on the lease? If its yours and since you asked her to move in, then I would say you stay put and ask her to leave as its just not working out. Do it as politely and dimpolmatically as you can, the others wont be put in a awkward position. But as i can see this other girl clearly isn't ready or mature enough to be sharing a flat with you

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If you can't kick her out, buy her a gallon of ice cream, and be bigger than her. Since she's obviously trying to humiliate you as much as possible, be extra careful not to let ANYTHING slide without a polite comment. Remind her when it's her time to buy the toilet paper, take out the trash, or do the dishes. Definitely guard your food. Don't ever let her put you on the defensive.


If she says cruel things about your weight or figure, don't hear her. Say, "That's not very nice." because it isn't about you or whether you are reaching your personal (private!) goals, it's about her being disrespectful and rude. Let me just say that I feel very bad for you, I know what it's like to live with that kind of person, and it did a number on my self esteem. Stay strong!


In general, if people air out general grievances on facebook, I either unfriend them directly if I can afford to have a fight with them, or I respond with a comment along the lines of "I would be glad to discuss this problem with you, but this is not a good place. Let me know when you have time." That way, the person will know that I'm aware of them, and probably eventually realize that calling up 300 "friends" from facebook to let them know about a missing scoop of ice-cream is a little dramatic and uncalled for.

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