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It's been about a month 1/2 since my ex and I broke up. My last post was about regaining that spark. Well I tried to do the 'rebuilding our friendship' deal this past week and I realized it was pointless. My ex doesn't love me anymore and who knows if he ever will? I do feel like I gave up a little, but I also feel like it wasn't worth my time. He barely put in any effort this week... he used to talk to me like 600 times a day, and now his excuse is that texting sucks when we're so far away and that he's too busy. Even though he texts all his other friends all day.


Well I don't deserve that. If I was willing to put in the extra effort and time, he should have been too. But I guess when you just don't feel the same way for someone anymore, you stop caring as much.


There is a guy at the gym I've been pursuing and talking to.. and while I still am not over my ex, I like this guy.

I told the ex today, I didn't want to end this on a bad note. and I told him I was into someone else and didn't want to continue this anymore. He just said 'ok'. It was clear to me that he doesn't care what I do or who I see. We exchanged a few more texts and his last one was 'just think of me once in a while'.


I'm heartbroken all over again and I KNOW this is gonna be hard going NC for longer now, but I'm looking forward to HEALING. I don't know how long it will take, and I'm scared of how every day is going to be but I just want to feel better. I know I love my ex... but I love who he used to be and our memories. He's not the same person anymore and I tell myself that the only way I'd ever get back with him is if he magically transformed into that guy again. It still scares me to think of him with someone else, but hopefully that will go away with time.


Thanks for everyone's help and advice on this forum.

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I am into a new guy though... what's the big deal? Lol


Well I think the reason is why did you tell your ex? to make him jealous?


I dont really know your story, who ended it? if it was him, then are you hoping he might show more interest in you now that you have told him you are interested in someone else? And if that is the reason, as said above, its a mind game.


Besides, if your not together, its not his business anyways. And of course he isnt going to try to talk to you as much, you are broken up.


Either way, best of luck with NC, just stick to it if thats what you really think you need to do.


By the way, just curious, since you broke up, who has contacted who?

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There is NO making my ex jealous lol... not one bit.. AutumnBorn.. you're right, you can't make someone who just doesn't care jealous. We've always been truthful with each other and I didn't want to hide things.


Since we have broken up, he will text me first more than often but it's maybe 2 or 3 times a day. I didn't bother as much bc whenever I did text him or try and be flirty he wouldn't respond the way I wanted. I guess I just didn't have enough patience.

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