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I need to gain weight but its so hard for me. I tried almost everything. I'm really trying to gain more in my legs but no matter what they wont get bigger. I'm 19 and have the smallest body. I only weight 94 lb and i'm 5'2". I need some help so if anyone can help me then reply please!

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well, i like petite chicks so i think small gurls are soooo cute.


but if u wanna gain some weight eat lots of carbs, stay away from fatty foods and stuff with lots of cholesterol. Try eating rice, alot of rice , u might also want to hit the gym, buy some good quality whey protien, from like GNC and do some leg work . do diffrent types of stuff such as using free weights for ur arms and do leg press, and squats(barbell with some weight on ur shoulders behind u, u squat down with ur butt stickin out and knees bended), work out every other day. You will be lookin Fly in no time

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Hi L3sl13,


Hey don't feel bad...you don't have the tinyest (sp?) body. I'm 19, 4'10 and 85 lbs. Personally, I'm happy the way I am..but I know where you're coming from. Oh, and it's amazing how many guys do find petite girls attractive. I didn't think there were that many...there's more than you think.



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Well if u want to get bigger legs and thats it, ur going to hav to work those leg muscles.


Do some weights for the legs, that should help bulk them up a bit. By eating a load more food, ull b gaining bulk everywhere else as well. Fat will go to ur boobs and butt first (im not sure if thats what u want), so eating a lot more will probably not give u what u want.


Running as well will help tone up ur legs and strengthen them.

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there are a lot of people who cant gain weight..



some say it´s a gift... to others it´s a curse...



I myself have tried eating anything from healthy food, to the most grease filled junk food, and nothing makes me gain weight at all..


I´ve gotten used to being all skin and bones..


people have gotten used to me being it..



I´m sure they will/have get/gotten used to it by now..




and besides it´s what inside that counts..


but sometimes of course the outside affects whats inside..


you just have to know whats really inside.. and accept it..


If you feel good, then you will appear good.

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well there is ALWAYS something you can do about it. Ther eare legal drugs you can order tha thelp you gain weight. Not steroids but drugs that help ALOT. You can consult with doctors and see wha tthe best thing to do would be. If your skinny you can always fix it with the miricle of drugs, these days they have ALOT of things that will help you put on 30-50 pounds in time. Dont be sad you can do it if you take the time to look into these things. But if your younger like me you can always fix the skinny problem by working out and eating alot, which what im doing this summer. Even if your 20 or older and yoru skinny, get into the gym or buy something to workout at home and eat good food. Theres always a light at the end of the tunnel. Just remember that you can make it, workout to the point of no return. 2 hours a day and more if needed you can do it, I did it. Go for 2 hours a day everyday multiple workouts with heavy weights, push yourself to ur limits. Do everything you can, then you will see improvements. Im pushing my self to the extreme this summer. Nothing but working out and eating ALOT of food. When school starts next year no ones gonna be saying im skiny anymore! Transend your limits and put all your energy into building muscle nd weights. Not meat head style but in order to gain self confidence and love yourself. Good luck everyone!

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User 203-if you push yourself to the limit every day, ie; 2 hours per day as you have stated, you will not put on any muscle atall or the gains will be substantially smaller than if you were to train less frequently. Three things are required to build bulk, these being; Food, Heavy Weights and REST.


Your muscles require at least 48 hours to fully recover, this is when your muscle fibres grow and you will get bigger.

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''Thanks everybody. from reading all of your replies it actually made me feel very good about myself''


You should feel good about your size, you petite girls can have us shorter guys (i'm only 5'7'') (unless of course you prefer the taller guys too ?)

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