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Question for women on the Pill....

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Well I'm not female but I do have quite some knowledge regarding birthcontrol (for my own sake). When you take the pill it wont ever stop a period, it may make the ones after you start to take it lighter, but that all depends on you. You're period wont stop the day that you start to take the pill, you will finish your cycle. So no worries there. Any other B/C questions, just ask me and ill try to answer them to the best of my knowledge.

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hi euphoria,

if you are a sunday starter and you are still menstruating on sunday you are supposed to start regardless, the pill will not have an effect since you have already ovulated that month. You will still have your period on the pill when you begin taking the placebo ones, the only time you wouldn't get your period on the pill is if you were skipping the placebos, or taking the new "seasonale" which has you on placebos only four times a year I think. Remember that even though you are taking birth control, it will not protect you from STDs so you should still use protection when having sex, and also if you take antibiotics for any reason the pill becomes less effective and you can get pregnant if you don't use any other form of protection. It may take a few months before your period starts to regulate itself, so don't be too worried if you still have heavy periods or breakthrough bleeding. hope this helped.

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this may sound insane, but i'm trying to tweak my cylce this month so not to have my period on the day i'm regularly scheduled to start. I'm 15 days into my cycle. should i stop taking the pill now or just keep taking it on the week I'm supposed to have my period?


any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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I used to do this all the time - you just have to be careful to take the pill on time and remember when you stopped taking it. Ok.. e.g. if you normally stop on a wednesday and come on on a friday, but this month you have a special date that friday ( ) and don't want to come on til the saturday, it is perfectly safe to take an extra pill or one less pill at the end of your pack. This means that from now on you will have a new pill day on which you start and finish a pack. I did this every month (just one day at a time) until i had my period in the week and left my weekend's free!! It is really important that you have seven pill free days only - if not you will need to use other protection.

While I am here, I have not had a period for 11 weeks. I came off the pill and have so far had regular periods until this one. I am not pregnant, but have lost a lot of weight. Anyone know if this is the reason and what i can do about it.

Thanks guys.x

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