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Should I take an art class?


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I don't have much artistic skill and I envy those who do. I was wondering how much it would help to take a basic art class for a semester? Has anyone actually benefiting much from an art class or is it something more beneficial if you are already naturally gifted?

Also I would like to look into becoming a makeup artist, so I thought this could help with my creativity.

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I don't have much artistic skill and I envy those who do. I was wondering how much it would help to take a basic art class for a semester? Has anyone actually benefiting much from an art class or is it something more beneficial if you are already naturally gifted?

Also I would like to look into becoming a makeup artist, so I thought this could help with my creativity.


Neither did Charles Schulz. Art is weird in that you don't necessarily have to be very good to have a point of view that people go crazy for.


I'd take one just for the heck of it.

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i'd do it. i learned some random techniques from a friend who draws very well, and just from those few times that we've sat down and drawn together, i've improved like crazy! i've been thinking about taking an art class as well, but none offers in my area for older people. so if you have the opportunity, go for it. =)



and there was this artist i know, she learned to paint when she was 19/20... and she's pretty well known now.

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If that's what you're interested in, you should definitely get some experience with art.


I'm very experienced in visual arts; but in my first art courses in college, some of the best drawings were from the novices in the group.


You need to learn the principles of design. Rhythm, repetition, form, balance, color, etc. This is your base for anything visually artistic be it painting, sculpture, computer graphics, architectural design or applying make up.


Learning color theory will be essential to complementing someone's natural color attributes such as hair and eye color, skin tone, the clothing they wear, etc.


Hue, tint, value, complementary colors... This is where you start.


They're really fun classes too! very laid back when you get cool teachers. Since school so far is not so geared toward art, this will open up your view and ideas on things as far as where school can lead you. You should really enjoy it.


Remember to take the instructor's critiques of the class seriously though. Respect the instructor in that the critique of your work is what they have to grade you on and you will be fine. Most don't see this coming; so I've seen a few people embarrassed and cry in the crits. because they didn't bother to do their work. Nothing to be scared over though. It really is laid back in general. A very fun time in life.



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