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lately, my girlfriend has been acting very weird. one minute she is very reseptive to my loving gestures, the next she is stand-offish and cold. i know she is stressed about leaving for college in june and all that, but lately i cant even get a hug out of her. she doesnt call, or even try to see me at all. i havent kissed her in at least a month. barely even get a good bye hug from her. we have been dating for about 7 months now, and its just recently she has begun to act liek this. i just need a little advice on how to make everything back to teh way it was when we first started dating. those were the days, but like i said now, i cant even get a hug half the time. at this point i am willing to try just about everything.

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Well she's probably trying to withdraw from you to make the college thing easier on you both. My advice to you is that when you see her, do a lot of romantic things, you know what she likes and loves so try to do those kinds of things with her. Also talk to her about it but pick you times very carefuly because you could push her further away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She needs space. The more you "push" the less she will respond.


Right now, it looks like you are investing a lot emotionally and getting nothing in return.


Dating is about love and about power as well. In the dynamics you face right now, it looks like she stays open minded. She does not act like someone who is committed to you. You on the other hand are fully focused on her.


The way to go? desinvest slightly from what you share with her by spending more time with other people.


Don't act like you are needy for care and intimacy. Instead, build up your confidence. Get your power back. Being too "soft" might turn her off. She wants to connect with something else now, something which goes beyond "romantic harmony".


Good luck



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