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looking for your opinions......


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Was talking to this guy from a dating site, we exchanged pictures, emails, and talked on the phone numerous times. Really was looking forward to meeting this guy. We had plans for a date one weekend, he said he would call me the next day and I never heard from him again. Completely vanished into thin air, blowing me off completely. I thought at first maybe something happened to him but then I saw he had logged onto the site everyday after that...so he was perfectly fine. I was really mad abotu that actually because I've never just been blatently blown off like that, and he acted like he was so interested in me.


So fast forward three weeks later, I get a phone call out of nowhere - I didnt recognize the number so I answered and it was him. He said he had a family emergency before our date and didn't want me to think he was an $$hole for not telling me and just blowing me off and disappearing for three weeks. I know things happen, who knows if he's making this up or not but the least he could have done was TEXT me to tell me instead of leaving me hanging. That weekend came and I never heard one word from him. Why would it take him three weeks to tell me this? I think he's full of Its not like we exchanged an email or two and planned a date...we had been talking on the phone every night, sometimes for hours, emailing back and forth, etc. I was actually really looking forward to meeting this guy.


After I spoke with him monday, he said he would call me at the end of the week to set something else up. Still haven't heard anything from him and its almost friday. I think I have my answer, but curious to see what you guys think. What I dont get is why he's even contacting me if he's not going to follow through on even MEETING ME in person. Its just wasting my time.

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i'd forget about him. he's completely unreliable. like another moderator pointed out to me when i posted a similar thread, "You've started a thread about a guy you've never even met!! RED FLAG!!"


anyways, i'd forget this guy and move on. who knows why he acts the way he does, but that's not your job to be his psychotherapist and figure out his motivations in life. my hypothesis is that he is juggling 4 or 5 different women right now, and you alternate between #5 and #2 in his list of women. in any case, that's not good enough for you. i don't believe this 'family emergency' bullcrap either.

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Theres good odds that he met someone else on the site. A lot of people have 2, 3 or more people they are talkign to and planning to meet, whether they are hoenst about it or not.


He didn't contact you for THREE weeks. No excuse for that. Either that he is completely selfish or that he met someone else but it didn't work out so he's trying to contact you again.


Dont believe the family emergency. If it was, why would he be logging into a dating site?


I wouldnt' waste my time with this one. Find someone who doesn't break the first meeting.

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As I've learned in the past year and 3 months of online dating - it is not for the weak-minded or faint of heart! A lot of people do stupid and/or unexplainable things, but when you've got the anonymity of being on a dating site, they seem to do these things a lot more often.


There is an old saying "Don't count your chickens before they hatch". Well that could not be more true, especially with online dating. People are able to allow you to see only what they want you to see at first, but given enough time, their true selves will shine through.


It sounds like he started talking to someone else who he thought he'd have a better chance with (for whatever reason) and he did the classic disappearing act. And wasn't it so sweet of him to contact you weeks later when his other venture didn't pan out. You are better than to allow yourself to be sloppy seconds!


Never make someone a priority in your life, who only keeps you as an option!


If this guy didn't respect you enough to let you know something was amiss the first time around, what makes you think he's going to be so kind if it happens again? There are plenty of other guys out there who you should invest your time in getting to know. Don't settle for a loser!

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