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Obsessed With Him

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Ok, I started to like this boy last year around October/November and I just recently started to talk about it with people. About 2 weeks after valentine's day I sent him a letter (in the mail) that I had been writing for a couple weeks. It was perfect but i didn't put my name on it (I am really shy) so he didn't know it was from me. Then on the day that he should have gotten it my friend called him for me and asked if he got the letter (he did) and we called him a lot after that but never told him my name. On the sunday before our last week before we had spring break we finally told him, and he said he would talk to in school on monday. Well i was terrfied because I didn't know what to say, then in my 4th hour class after having 2 classes with him his friend started to call me a Rickey Lover (his name is rickey). ](*,) I was really pissed off because I didn't know what was going on and I cried for the rest of the day. It turns out that he didn't tell everyone it was this kid who had heard me telling my friend josh about it and he started to tell everyone. Well it has been quite a while now and I am still kinda confused about all of this. I can't stop thinking about him. I have NEVER in my ENTIRE life liked someone this much, but I don't know what he thinks. I am more comfortable about talking to people about me liking him now but whenever he is around I freeze up, and get embarrassed, and start to blush. All my friends are getting sick of me talking about him but thats all I do. Almost every time I look over at him if I am looking for a while he looks at me and we make eye contact, then I freak out and look away so he doesn't think I am staring. Some of my friends think he may like me because of that and i really wanna know. Does anyone have ANY advice? Anything is appreciated!

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Well, the first thing to do is calm down a little. It is kind of funny, because after reading your post, it reminded me of myself on the days upcoming to my first date. Even though I am a guy, and you are a girl, this validates my thoughts on how girls and guys are relatively similar. You should just talk to him for a little bit, and if anyone makes fun of you, just kind of let it slide off and continue doing what you were doing. As everybody in the universe says, "Just be yourself". This basically means, don't act like someone you are not. You know who you are better than anyone else, and if you want someone to like you, then don't become a different person to impress them. I wish you luck.

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Thanks. I have been trying to calm down since I told him but nothing seems to work. All my friends are getting annoyed with my constant talking about him, but I REALLY like him a lot and they keep telling me to give up because no guy is worth all the trouble but that isn't how I feel about it and they just DON'T get it. I want to talk to him but i am so nervous. I just can't seem to find the right moment. I want to be alone with him and not around his friends, but there is only one time that he isn't with them, andt then I am in a rush to catch my ride. I can't stop thinking about him and I even have dreams about him. A lot of people have told me that he is shy too, which explains why he is so quiet, but I think maybe he doesn't talk to me because we are like complete opposites except for a few things. I am really tall (5'11") and he is short, I am kinda chubby and he is skinny, but everytime he says something funny it makes me laugh and I like that and he is like the only "good" kid at our school. I mean he ACTUALLY does his homework and gets good grades and he doesn't act all crazy everytime the teacher turns his/her head. It may seem like I am taking this way too seriously but I REALLY do like him, A LOT!

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Well, see thats the thing, I am TERRIFIED to talk to him. I am really shy and the only time i am not there is a million people like his mean friends around and after school i see him but if i stop to talk i will miss my ride.

Any suggestions? i dont wanna be around his friends.

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Well, maybe you can ask one day if you can get a ride from someone else maybe a couple hours later. On my first date with a girl, I had no plan for getting home, so I just walked the 5 miles to get to my house. Of course, I live in California, so the weather is really nice, and a walk home is just fine. Why don't you call him up if nothing works. Hope something works.

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Hah.. This happen the exact time.. when i finally found my courage.. It is very hard!! Well keep trying (don't feel bad because i ran and chicken out 5 times.. and never told Becky until friday) Keep looking for chance...

if it dosn't work, Grab him it. Such as "Hey, ricki can i talk to you for a minute. If you are too shy, try to get a friend to talk to him and distract him. WEll I'm a guy.. so this might not work for you.. but it's worth a try if you have nothing else to do

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just keep looking for chance,

but if you really are freak out like this, i doubt it would work.

Just do you best, i mean i'm sure this happen to 80% of people here Especialy on the first time asking a person out.


and just maybe... he might ask you out instead... but don't count on that.

No matter how shy you are just try to talk him throught it.


and if he already know that you like him, get to him and say "i need to talk to you for a minute" he'll understand what you need to say. I'd this should work out. Just don't act shy. or it's hopless then might as well as giving up

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I am not trying to freak out, but this is a big deal for me. I really like him and I just don't know what to do to not be shy and I don't know what I would say if I did talk to him. I mean where would I start? And to top it all off this girl decided to say stuff about me to him today and then all the people that were there decided that they didn't wanna tell me what she said. So I don't know what she said and that pisses me off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG!!!! \

Ok, so we had a late start today and we only had our 4th, 5th, and 6th hours, and I was having a good day mostly because I have 4th and 5th hour with him, but then in 6th hour we went down to the gym to play basket ball. This was cool because his friends are in the classes that were down there and they asked if the teacher could get him out of class to come down there cuz it was our whole Team. So She did and I told her I loved her(not like that) cuz she knows I like him. So, she went back over by the door and a few minutes before the bell rang for us to go home she came back and said she had to tell me something. Well the first thigng I thought of when she said "Chris told me that you need to understand..." was Oh well I have heard this before, he wants me to leave him alone right... WRONG!!!

She then said "...that he LIKES YOU, but he just feels so little next to you!"

(back to that whole opposites thing) It was freaky I started jumping up and down and screaming! But then I thought Chris could have been lying to her?!?!

So i asked Chris and he said that Rickey Had said that but not to say anything cuz he wasn't supposed to say anything either!!! Then They started making jokes about him being too little to get on the rides at Valley Fair(we are going there on the 21st) and I am Just So Happy!!!!! HE LIKES ME!!!!!

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