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She replied to my email, but not my IM?

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I email my ex, a nice e card saying im thinking of her and that I wish the sunshine would hug her like i was doing it, something along those lines. I put a my own message at the bottom saying something along the lines of good luck in your exams i know you will pass I have faith in you take care. She emailed back the next day, saying how sweet it was and that she thanked me for it, she tried to send me one but couldnt as she told me. But she wont reply to my IM though when were online, is she not ready to iniate conversation at this point, seen as an email is seen as like a letter?. we split because I was presuring her and she needed time etc, wont go into too much detail, but we havent spoke in like 8 weeks and she normally would not reply to anything i say, text etc and i have managed to not bug her and im leaving her 2 it, just wondered if ppl had any views to why she would reply to my IM or send me 1, she has had me unblocked for 2 weeks as she blocked me for like 8 weeks. but since these 2 weeks she hasnt said anything.

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Sometimes we get caught up and we have to much time on our hands.

And when that happens, our minds wander and can start to play tricks on us. Sometimes we are feeling a little insecure about ourselves. and we paint a picture that is not really there. Give it sometime, it will come around. Things come to those who wait.



Good luck





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becuase she is confused.... end of story.


Now the important and hard part is this (and I CANNOT FOLLOW MY OWN ADVICE)... we are on here focussing on our EXes, when we should be using this time to focus on ourselves, not "how long" it will take for them to get back to us.


A watched pot never boils.... detox... summer is coming up. What plans have you made? Are you going to join up for any sports? If you are a student, have you started looking for a summer job? What friends have you not seen in a while? Keep this list going.... I'm going to try and do the same.


You need to get busy living... you will never be ready to hear from her when and if she responds if you haven't built up some distractions for yourself.

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I have the same problem mate, although my x talks to me via texts but does not respond to me via email and has also blocked me from instant messenger


weird species...the ladies!


Don't wory about her, maybe she just wants some space......

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I have the same problem mate, although my x talks to me via texts but does not respond to me via email and has also blocked me from instant messenger


weird species...the ladies!


Don't wory about her, maybe she just wants some space......



because he or she, whoever you are talking about, wants to be able to keep control of the situation. text messages really doesnt talk that much effort however email requires some thought and IM's requires attention, i think its a bit of a push and pull game of someone that might be confused about how they feel about you (not ready to get rid of you entirely) but also wants to control how much you can be in their lives.

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I'm having a very similar problem with a friend of mine.


Perhaps people more comfortable talking over e-mail because it's less confrontational if emotions are still present between the two of you. It's a lot easier to control emotions over something like e-mail or written letters because communication isn't "instant".


Talking via AIM, phone, or whatever requires an instant response. And if emotions and still running high, you run the risk of saying something you don't mean, and making things worse for the two of you. She might also be afraid that you'll want to bring up topics that she won't want to talk about, and that she'll feel on the spot and uncomfortable in either responding, changing the subject, or whatever.


I hope I made sense and helped in some way. Good luck!

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Mister you made sense about the part where I might bring up certain bad things etc. But Ive been unblocked from msn, ive prooved I wont big her, and the email I wrote her was a noble 1, saying that Im thinking of her and that I wish her luck on exams. She didnt say anything along the lines of speak to you soon etc, it was just bascially thanking me for the e card in a very nice way. I got a response out of an email do you think I should send her another email asking how she is or how shes getting on? Or shall I jst leave it??

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I reccomend you just leave it. If you reply again she will see you as bugging her again. Let her contact you. It will make you feel a lot better.


And if she does contact you via say an email or phone, I say the first time you don't respond. It is hard yes, but trust me. She will be wondering what is going on.


Play it cool and you have a chance. Pressure her and no chance.

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There is always hope isn't there? She wants space, give her what she wants, how can somone who loves you ( I am sure she still has feelings for you, you cannot just shut that off) be pissed at you if you are doing what they want.


She may never come back, but at least you did the right thing.

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