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Best Friend and Bulimia.. Help.


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I was hanging out with my friend of five years, and we were having a few drinks when she accidentally said she took laxatives all the time. After talking to her for a little while longer, she told me that she used to have a really bad eating disorder (about 3/4 years ago). She said she wouldn't eat anything, and that was why she was always passing out.


When I started looking back I realized that she really did pass out a lot for no reason. She told me she was better but I had a hard time believing her so I started taking note of some of the things she would does.


  1. I noticed that she's always taking tums.
  2. When she does eat (which isn't often), she goes straight to the bathroom afterwards.
  3. She's constantly brushing her teeth.
  4. She takes laxatives all the time.
  5. She wont eat in front of certain people.


Those are all signs of bulimia.


Last night we got take out for dinner and when she finished eating, she went to the bathroom. I walked outside of the bathroom door and I could hear her throwing up, which just confirms my belief that she's suffering from bulimia.


After talking to my fiancee about it, I still have no idea how to help her, which is why I've come back to enotalone. I can't exactly tell her mother, because I think her mother may have an eating disorder too...


If anyone is in the same situation, or has gone through it, what can I do to help her?

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Eating disorders are very secretive illnesses and most will try to hide their behavior and when confronted, will most likely continue to lie and react out in anger; however, you must not try and take that personally. They have been caught and feel ashamed.


The best thing you can do is bring it up with her BUT in a non-confrontational/judgmental way. Mention nothing about her weight, and that you are worried about her health and well being, and if she ever needs to talk, that you are there for her. She can only get better if SHE wants to. I have suffered from anorexia/bulimia for 6 years.

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