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Was this a flirt?


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My best friend is a guy...but sometimes, not sure if any of the flirting is intentional, just funny, or what...


Today he texted that he's getting sick, which stinks because he has to fly outta town for work this weekend. Anyway, I was giving him tips and he said "I wish you could come and be my personal nurse!"....(I am a nurse)...well it's not like he's deathly ill, just a sore throat and such, so it isn't like it's serious enough to really need a "personal nurse"...We make jokes about sex all the time, even though I don't think it's because we want each other that way - it's just all in fun. So I texted back as JOKE I only charge 1 sexual favor per hour, haha...he didn't respond to that.


So I'm guessing it wasn't supposed to be a flirt?...Why would anyone even say that if it wasn't? His signals can be confusing at times and I hate looking like the idiot in the whole thing; we've already talked about "dating" once, a long time ago, and he wasn't into it, so I try to be careful about how I interpret things on his part. Was it wrong of me to take this in a different context...I mean really! Course I was kidding the whole time, too, but of course sometimes i wish we weren't just joking around. Thanks

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I guarantee you he is sexually attracted to you. He just doesn't want to weird you out so he keeps it at an acceptable level. I am sexually attracted to some of my female friends, and if I have a chance to flirt like that without them taking it the wrong way, I do just for fun. I usually don't have that chance though. I suppose you're lucky in that regard.

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It was a flirt, but the motivation for it is impossible to read. It could just be a playful flirt, with no further intentions, or it could be a hint.


A reason for flirting like that without any further intentions is he might just be having a bit of fun, or he's looking for an ego boost by gauging your attraction for him.

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Well it certainly doesn't weird me out, I like it...so when I try to keep it going, it doesn't seem to work; so I wonder if he's just trying to see my reaction...So here's a question, what did my response possibly tell him about my flirting? That I want him? Probably - but the truth is I'm totally kidding, even still. Yes it's fun, but that doesn't mean I'm really implying that we..do that..


He commented on my new shoes the other day, said if wear them in the summer with a short skirt that I'll be "screwin everybody"...and I said "I don't want to screw everyone, just someone..."


I thought that exchange was interesting too...it's rare for him to comment on my body image at all, what so ever, I mean is he picturing me in the skirt, or what? LOL

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oh i was in a friendship like that, except i was the guy. and coming from a guy, let me tell you that he does indeed like you. from personal experience, im thinking he maybe be just too shy to straight up ask you out. thats the way i was, i flirted heavily with this girl and we had many situations just like you are describing, but i was too scared to ask her out lol.


would i love to have that chance back......

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oh i was in a friendship like that, except i was the guy. and coming from a guy, let me tell you that he does indeed like you. from personal experience, im thinking he maybe be just too shy to straight up ask you out. thats the way i was, i flirted heavily with this girl and we had many situations just like you are describing, but i was too scared to ask her out lol.


would i love to have that chance back......


Well, we already go out all the time...just not as a "couple". He knows I've always had a crush on him, so I don't know why he'd be scared...other than the fact that we've become such close friends, I guess that could be enough to make someone shy....I also do a pretty good job of being happy the way we are, and never let it get me down when he wasn't interested in dating once before. He knows about any other men that might appear in my life (which isn't many); so I think that makes it obvious that i don't just wait around for him to make a move.


So if it is definitely flirting, then why does he act like it never started when I try to keep it going? By flirting back, that says it's ok for him to do it...but then he stops...

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