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I'm tired of this.


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I'm normally a calm, nice and courteous guy. But I've got two guys who have been giving me a right hard time, I mean, they don't know me and they just started victimising me. So now I have a bit of a problem.


How will I sort these two out?


At the moment, I'm about one more taunt from smacking them with a metal pole or a brick. I am normally calm, but damn, I want them dead. They've only called me a few names and I'm stressing my brains out. I was honestly thinking of stealing one of their car keys so they couldn't get home.


But I thought violence would be more appropriate. I'm not bothered about the reasons why I'm so angry and I'm not going to tell any superiors because they won't be kicked out so there will be a backlash.


Any suggestions (not saying you should say kick their heads in, but any advice would be great)?

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I think that you need to bring this up to a supervisor, nobody should make you feel this way especially at work.


That is why companies have rules and regulations to prevent this kind of behavior.


Violence is not the answer then you would be just like them!


If anything it will just further their behavior and it could cause a serious issue for you.

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