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Myth- the moment of truth ?

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Seeing as semen mainly contains proteines and water, your diet may indeed affect the production. However I do not think that you actually can eat such a large amount of meat on order to create a measureable effect. What might help is milk products as well as high proteine concentrates body builders do take. Those are so high in proteine, they do make a difference. Tried it on myself. However as soon as you stop, or you use the proteine otherwise (working out, building muscles, etc) the amount of semen gets smaller again...

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I don't get this idea of lotsa stuff = powerful?


I thought it is about mutual pleasure, not how much of a mess a guy can make on the sheets?

Who cares how big your wet spot is as compared to the next guy?


I understand that porn stars get the big money shots by simply not having sex for 4 days. I bet that will work alot better than eating protein shakes.





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Not sure that I agree with you there Michael2.


I think that it has been proven scientifically that what you eat is reflected in your semen. For example, lots of pineapple and cranberry juice will make the semen taste sweeter (go on guys, tell that one to the girls!!!).


Also, if you think about it - what you eat has an effect on the natural secretions of the body. I know that when I have spent two weeks in Italy, on holiday, that my natural body odour is different, ie pores secrete a slight smell of garlic!! Lots of perfume needed for a couple of weeks!!


G xx

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I've heard of pills man take to make their semen taste like strawberrries or something but then i heard they doesn't work like that. They should continue trying to make that true because could you imagine!!! that would be wonderful for you guys!!! I love stawberries and chocolate .... 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, time for a science lesson:

your sperm is made in your testicles at a rate of about 150 million cells a day. each nut has a little back-pack called the epididymis, which can store the sperm for up to a couple weeks, after which sperm is dispelled either by wet dreams or as dead cells in your urine. ANYWAY, when you get horny, your Cowper's glands secrete a fluid that goes to town cleaning and lubricating the pipes in your penis. this is commonly known as precum. as you build towards orgasm, your prostate starts secreting prostaglandin - a sugar - and fructose - another sugar - along with a load of zinc and other nutrients. all that sugar is just food for all those racing sperms. anyway, soon the epididymi (sp?) will contract, filling the urethra with sperm that will slip over the pre-cum and hold just for a second until the pressure build too great behind the preaputial sphincter and meatus (the penis head muscles) and the mixture (call it jizz, call it cum, call it semen, call it man-butter - call it whatever) will erupt out into...well, whatever.

at what point in the manufacture of sperm is there any mention of diet or digestive effect? oh yeah, none. it's just a good wives tale to tell the kids: "drink cranberry juice and your load will taste better."

that's garbage. you can make yourself cum more (build, hold it, wait a while, build, hold it, wait a while, build, hold it, shoot someone's eye out!) and you can cum thicker (wait a couple weeks so you testes dispell all the old sperm with the new) but taste? that's like saying if you eat a lot of pineapples your blood won't taste so bloody.


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Wait a minute.......... If all this you say is science, then why would it ever taste "different"? Like when I drink more beer and alcohol, and garlic, spicy foods, it tastes bitter. But I eat more fruits, vegetables, and drink more water, it's sweeter? Where's the science in that? I mean you can't tell me my g/f lies, because I do it without her knowing it, I just ask how it tasted. So, the all the science makes sense, but it still doesn't explain difference in taste, if it was all that simple, it'd taste the same all the time..........

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