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Birthday Dilemma!!!!

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for five months, and his birthday is in a few weeks. I am 17, and he is going to be 20, and I haven't the slightest idea what to get him for his birthday.


I already have 2 T-shirts for him, and these car wash/detail gift certificates that I know he'll love, but I want to get him something else also.


Any ideas from both males and females would be appreciated! Thanks!

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It is all very well buying him ''disposable'' goods, but these will not last forever.


In my opinion, get him a piece of jewelery, that will last forever


This way, he will think of you everytime he sees it.


My X brought me a silver necklace a few years ago and it reminds me of her constantly

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i think what you got him is enough. no need to spoil the guy! anyways, its sweet of you. for my boyfriends birthday (it was like 8 months into the relationship), i gave him a bunch of pictures of us in this cute little frame. i got a bunch of friends to take pictures of us. that way he didn't suspect anything, like cause if i got one person to take a bunch of pictures, he would wonder why she was taking them.. anyways, i know my boyfriend really liked his gift & it was special because it was pictures of us together. but like Rage said, i don't think you need to get him anything else. im sure he would be happy enough just spending time with you on his birthday.


oh yeah, something else you could do is make him some cookies or cake or something, maybe even cook him his favorite dinner.

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