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Ok, first off, I want to say that this is not a very "nice" question, so for those weak of stomach . . .but I cant think of any good forum to put this in. People here are so helpful though, and I dont know of any other good websites. *sigh* soo. . .





Ok, I have this problem. I've noticed that here are these whiteish "bumps" around the base of my penis. I've thought about it, but I cant think of what they could be. I've been washing it a lot lately, but nothing has really changed. Sadly though, I didnt wash it that much before. I had just never thought about it that much *bangs head on desk*. I dont know if that has anything to do with it. I am also uncircumsized, and I've heard that if not cleaned well, an infection of some sort could develop. Does anyone know of an infection that could cause this? I dont think its any sort of STD, because I've never had sex before. The "bumps" are just at the base of the penis. They arent spreading at all. They just kinda stay there. They dont hurt at all though. Infact, I can hardly tell they're there (I cant feel it, just see it). So they dont bother me that much, but. . .me and my GF have been getting more. . .friendly (hands only) lately. And I DO NOT want to risk giving her anything.


A doctor sounds like a swell idea, but I'm only 18, and I'm still on my parents insurance. So I want to try and do this some other way (if possible). Some sort of cream, or something. If I could just identify it--



Thanks for any help!

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It sounds like you have nothing to worry about mate, they are probably just hair folicles.


I did a quick search on google and found this;




take a look!


Hope this is of reassurance to you, although if your in doubt, go see a Dr!

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I agree with Rage. I do not think you have anything to worry about. If you had an infection you would have more symptoms than just the lumps. They would hurt, you would run a fever, they would itch, etc. And if they are just there, then its probably just hair follicles.



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Heya dude.


I agree with Rage, nothing to worry much about. The skin around the penis is very thin and follicles on the under side of the penis are very thick. Until the end of my puberty, I had very noticeable whitish follicles too, then they sort of become more natural (or I got used to them).


But if there's chance that they are not follicles, check the doctor. If you ask them secrecy they usually cooperate. Either they are very cool and do what you say or they are very grumpy and at the end of the day they already forgot you.

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Oh my gosh!!!! Thank you for the quick reply!!! I feel so much better now. They look exactly like the "Pearly Penile Papules" picture. *breathes* Wow, I really feel better. So long as these things cant cause other problems (with her or me), I'm happy. Thanks again!


No worries mate! Just glad we could take that weight off your mind

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