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How fingering is supposed to give you pleasure?

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some girls find that being fingered is really pleasure-ful! Others dont! Thats just life! The idea behind being fingered (or fingering yourself) is usually to hit on the gspot, which on most ppl (i would assume) is rather difficult to find. I only like it when its done really gently and i get the sensation of feeling 'full'. But thats just me!


The clit generally responds better to stimulation (yay!), so maybe you could try that.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Um, the g-spot is obviously on the inside. I was once read this on an example for guys.


"While you are fingering her, use your fingers like you are telling them to come here with your index finger, this will generally hit the g-spot."


I don't know if that is true or not, I just heard it from someone on the web. Well, good luck!

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hey ok, well i've never had much success with my 'g-spot', but I've read enough about it to know the basic info: you should find it about 1-2 inches inside your vagina, it will be a raised area on the upper wall of your vagina (this will work better if you're aroused). Make a 'come here' motion with your fingers...this is supposed to work. However, remember that every girl is different, experiment!

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doh, sounds like we need more information...


First off, why is fingering pleasurable? Because fingering generally means clitoral stimulation as well as a little insertion.


Penetration alone is not as pleasurable for most women. (most women)

Fingering, if done right, usually includes stimulation of the outside.

And a women's main pleasure zone definitely IS outside, just like a man's.

A woman's clitoris is a "mini-me" of the man's member with even MORE

concentration of nerve endings. (so much so that it normally needs to be covered by a hood of skin.) Guys should never start stimulation with penetration, finger or otherwise. It's about the rest of the mind and body first.


About g-spot:

I'd say smart guys should work on having their lady's get off by clitoral stimulation before even getting into the g-spot business. G-spot needs to be approached after the woman is already excited for a while (usually by clitoris) because it swells up a little and becomes more available at that point for the "come hither" finger movements. Stimulating the g-spot without all the other stimulation is useless. I'd say the g-spot thing might be for the 2nd or third orgasm. From what I understand it is a "deeper" sensation, but the basic bread and butter is all about the clitoris. G-spot is for finishing the engine, not starting the engine.



Hope that helps.



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Okay if you loo at the sex organs of a man which hangs out. Then look at the sex organs of the woman which hangs in. Now then both look exactly the same. The difrence is due to temperature one is in to bare children. The other is out to look stupid.

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You clitoris is a little bump (when its aroused) at the top of your labia. You g-spot is a 'spongy' (this is how ive heard it described sometimes) raised area on the inside wall of your vagina.


It sounds to me as though you're not having much success at reaching orgasm through masturbation... if this is so then remember, it does often take some time and practise to get it all feeling pleasurable, and you will find a method that is good for you, I hope why not have a look at this great site that I always end up suggesting to people, it has helped me out alot: link removed it has loads of free and non-pornographic info on female masturbation.


Hope that helps you!


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Okay, this is how it works. When a baby is in the woumb, before the sex is determined, the genetailia is the same. You have a bunch of cells which are very highly sensetive, two gonads, and a bunch of extra skin. If you are a male, the sensetive skin becomes the head of the penis, the extra skin is the penis, the gonads are the testicles


if you are a female the gonands are your ovaries, the extra skin is the vaginal walls, and the sensetive skin is your clitoris. this extends back in your body, and into the vaginal wall. this is your "gspot." some girls' "gspots" do not develop fully, thereforeeee they don't get much pleasure out of this.


To answer your question. The Gspot is on the upper part of the inner vaiginal wall. This is how girls may reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse. However, many girls really physically can't reach sexual orgasm during intercourse, because of the fact the clitoris is not developed into the vaginal wall fully. If she does, it's from clitorial stimulation.


Don't get me wrong, there are a bunch of nerve endings in the vaginal walls, just as there are a bunch of nerve endings in the skin on the shaft of the penis. it's just that they aren't linked to the sexual stimulation. Thats why a lot of girls prefer masturbation by strictly clitorial stimulation.


Whew...I actually remembered something from biology class! lol. I've also looked into this, because I had done research on how to please my girlfriend and I wanted to know what all I needed to do.

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