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Falling out of touch with women; normal?


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Hello, I think I am just looking for validation here as I'm often socially inept.


First off a little background. At the beginning of this year I "went out" with this girl that wanted "nothing serious" as she knew she was moving in a few months. We are both mid-20s. So we went out and nothing really happened even though we got along pretty well. I'll admit that nothing really happened because at the time I knew that I wanted more. So during that time I always did the initiating. She always responded well but she pretty much never initiated. To me this alone seems like a lack of interest, but I went along with it thinking that this is just how women act when "dating"...


So it has been a few months since we last went out. We parted on good terms and there was an expectation that if she moved back that maybe we'd see each other again. Since then however I haven't heard anything from her, and I'm pretty certain that she likely wasn't able to move back. That's understandable. What I don't get though is why I never heard from her at all. If this was a regular friendship for me, I'd simply take it as them simply not wanting to invest the time to maintain a friendship. I'm tempted to believe that this is the case with her as well, but since she is after all a girl I am wondering if I'm somehow expected to initiate contact yet again? Or am I right in thinking that a lack of contact from her means that I really should just let a potentially good friendship drop?


I'll admit that it baffles me why people are so willing to loose touch with one another so easily, and that I often feel like I'm the one doing all the "work" in a friendship. And to be clear I really am okay with just being friends...

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Okay, thanks. I guess it sounds silly, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing something that is considered socially stupid... I don't quite understand why people fall out of touch so easily, but I guess that's just me. I don't like falling out of touch with "cool" people, but then again I don't want to pester them. Oh well.

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