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Some guy is trying to get with my girl! Help

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My girlfriend for almost a year and a half tells me that this kid in her Spanish class in college hits on her, and he knows that she has a boyfriend she loves. I mean, the whole class knows because she did a speech on me. He says things like "You want to go sking with me this weekend?" or today he said, "My birthday is coming up soon, what special thing are you going to give me?" My girl gave him a dirty look to shoo him away and he goes "You can take that anyway you want." I trust my girl fully, it's not that. What pisses me off are guys who try to hit on girls constantly, even though they know they have a boyfriend. I don't want other guys hitting on my girl like this. So I told my girlfriend to point him out to me (we go to the same university) next time, and I'm going to have a little talk with him. How should I approach him and what exactly should I say to this kid? Although I could, I don't wanna hurt the little fellow physically, just tell him something so he would quit hitting on my girlfriend.

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i woul definitely be stern with him and try to put some fear into his eyes, whatever you feel is right i just wouldnt let this keep on without doing anything about or else he might think you are weak and he can get away with it. also you dont want your gf to think you are a ***, if you stand up for her and act tough she might like that and think you are protective of her, some girls find that attrative i think, but it probly depends on her. just make sure the guy gets that point that you dont want him ***in around!

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Hey this is a difficult situation to be in.....i would just take him to one side and have a chat with him man to man so to speak ....try not to be aggressive just get straight to the point and ask him why he hits on your girlfriend....if he denys this ask him to cut the crap.Its not like your trying to intimidate him you just want him to stop, i think any guy who was hitting on someones girlfriend would find this an awkward situation to be in and he might think again after this.


Or you could have a word with him with your girlfriend and ask if why he is doing this so he can try and exsplain to you face to face with your girl there..he wont enjoy this.


Both situations could work out positively or negatively but you need to try and deal with it one way or another.

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When some one else is after your girl it can be the most frustrating thing in the world as it boils down to being made a fool out of.


If you feel really strongly i would suggest having a stern talk with him, but don't be too aggressive, him knowing that he has wound you up could fuel his ambition even more, remember some people are immature and just dont get "it", all the blokes I know pretty much know the rule of "never touch and blokes girl" even if you hate his guts and love the girl - it's just something thats not done. Try and warn him off, bring up your girlfriend in conversation and discuss it with him and say how its making you feel (pissed off) - hopefully it should get through to him, ask him to imagine himself in the same situation as you are in, and how would /he/ feel.

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ok, i agree with everyone, have a chat with him, he shouldnt be movin in on your territory etc.




perhaps your girl is encouraging him without her knowledge? perhaps she flirts with him a little, and enjoys the attention - some girls do this, not because you starve her of attention, or that she doesnt care for you, but just because its nice to be fancied! And its nice to have a bit of a flirt. If this is the case then he might be a bit confused and thats why he is still chasing her, even after shes told him not too. Think about it from that point of view, im not saying that its definitely happening, but it might be. If it is, dont be angry, cos ur girl mighnt even realise that she's doing it. Just mention it quietly and see how things go.

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