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Want to keep my options open without hurting her

Sam _

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My last post was (if you haven't read it). My problem is that this girl is making it more obvious that she HASN'T lost interest and that she really has been busy. I've been busy with work, too and she has been visiting me at work several times in a week just to talk and has been messeging me on myspace every day. The only problem is that she wants a relationship but is too busy to be able to go out due to work and a lot of drama at her house.


My problem here is that its like I don't mind waiting for a bit and seeing how our friendship turns out. But I don't want to move on and wind up hurting her. I want to keep my options open and if I come accross someone else that I feel is compatible with me, I don't want to just drop that girl but I don't want to hurt the one I'm talking to now. Any advice?

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Sam it is a hard choice to make, you are only twenty and like you know and said you are moving on in life, if you feel she and you will grow further apart in future it would be best to talk to her about this and to see if there is any way it can be solved, if not it would be better to go your separate ways.


Sam in any relationship that fail both parties get hurt, there is no way around it in life.

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