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women calling men


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This guy asked me out but then he moved to another city. Now, we're friends who talk on facebook and sometimes on the phone. I dno't think anything romantic could develop b/c of distance/age difference but I was still wondering...is it a bad idea for me to call him and chat ? Don't they say that its bad for girls to call guys? Like it would be a turn off? I have been bored lately and he's a good conversationalist and a good listener...

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This guy asked me out but then he moved to another city. Now, we're friends who talk on facebook and sometimes on the phone. I dno't think anything romantic could develop b/c of distance/age difference but I was still wondering...is it a bad idea for me to call him and chat ? Don't they say that its bad for girls to call guys? Like it would be a turn off? I have been bored lately and he's a good conversationalist and a good listener...


If you think of him as a platonic friend-sure call him up.


If you think of him romantically, don't call him up.

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Go ahead and call him the first time.


The problem for women is when they do most of the initiating of phone calls to a boyfriend or a guy they like romantically. It's especially bad when a relationship is ending and the woman keeps calling.


But don't be afraid to call him. You might be starting a spark.

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Even if she thought of him romantically she can still call him. There is nothing wrong with a girl calling a guy, especially if they have already talked on the phone before.


Calling a man that you are in an exclusive relationship with is okay. Outside an exclusive committed relationship it may be viewed as being pursuity on the female's part.

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Calling a man that you are in an exclusive relationship with is okay. Outside an exclusive committed relationship it may be viewed as being pursuity on the female's part.


So, what? Why should it be up to the man to call all the time. Honestly, many women are having make-out sessions with a guy on the first date and are ready to drop their pants/lift their skirt by the third date and yet get so hung up about whether or not to call a guy lest they give him the wrong message!

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