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How can you mend a broken heart

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I fell in love with my friend and i told her but she doesnt feel the same. We still go out together evry week and at the end of the night we kiss, and i love being with her cos she is funny and we make each other laugh and we talk all night, but it is painful because i want it to be more than this. I never thought i would feel like this and I am wondering whether I should stop seeing her but it would mean loosing a friend that I enjoy so much. What should I do

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"Love" is a word that can be argued over for years based on its semantics. It's easy for one person to say it, and it takes years for another person to do the same. Personally, I must say that nothing peeves me more than when people bring the word "love" into play too early in their relationship (my friend set the record at two weeks... This is because some people attach so much meaning to it, and they get hurt when someone else views it as relatively minor. How soon did you tell your friend you love her? Maybe you are calling it love because of your own semantic system, whereas I might call it "being in 'like'" or someone else might call it "lust with a possible future destination."


She may really, really like you, but just not feel like it's time to say the word "love" as it means comparatively more to her. Give it time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey i am in the same situation as you! hey u got a choices: stick around or don't. i chose to stick around because he is soooo much fun and lovable--i don't want to lose that. u should not kiss her though, it will make it harder to move on. if you guys are friends, be friends and that is it. resist the urge to make it into something it is not. good luck

hey if she is confused about her feeling for u, that is her problem. until she figures it out u continue to move on. HEY u never know u might find someong who is kick ass!!

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I think the question is whether she's saying she doesn't feel "love" (it's semantics like jujigatame said) or if she's saying that she doesn't want to explore a romantic relationship. Since you still go out and kiss, this feels like a dating situation to me and maybe she's not ready yet to say "love."

Best of luck to you.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

If you want to have a passionate relationship, it is necessary to put a little move on to get the thing kick started. If you always wait for the right time, the right time never comes, and you are missing out on a powerful feeling for another. I would put a move on even if I would get shot down, at least you tried and the other person knows what you are about and can make a more thoughtful desision.


Move slowly, ever so slowly so that you both see what is happening.


People need others, we need to come together with people who are like us, every oportunity is risky and you always risk losing something, but you could gain something wonderful, even if is it is just the experience of being with someone new.


This is how we fully develop ourself in life is by adding together all of our experiences. You can't wait for ever, sometimes you need to get your move in groove!

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