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Online Friends! (Suvery)

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How many of you have good/close online friendships?

Do you write letters back & forth to each other? "penpals"

Send other little things such as cards, gifts thro snailmail?

Talk thro Ims/emails? or even maybe talk over the phone?


Have you ever felt really close to somebody over the net like so much you actually think of them as your real life friend? (even tho you never met)

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I've had a few online friends that I cared about. One in particular, we've talked through email, IM, and phone for a little while now and I grew so attached to him that I just had to meet him. Meeting people from the internet face-to-face is something I never thought I'd do because I'm a bit of a skeptic, but he was just too wonderful, I had to find out if he was for real or too-good-to-be-true. I went to England last week for a week. It was wonderful! He was just as I'd imagined him to be. Enjoy your internet friendships..they could turn into something more valuable someday.



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How many of you have good/close online friendships?

Do you write letters back & forth to each other? "penpals"

Send other little things such as cards, gifts thro snailmail?

Talk thro Ims/emails? or even maybe talk over the phone?


Have you ever felt really close to somebody over the net like so much you actually think of them as your real life friend? (even tho you never met)


I have several - unlike friends who become friends by proximity, you don't lose your online friends when you move


Chat on messenger more than write letters, but that too, and make an effort to stay in touch.


Occasionally yes, I've sent my online friends stuff through the mail and received little things as well.


Talk through IMs and emails - all the time. On the phone to a few, and even met a few.


And yeah, they're real people, so they're my real life friends. I figure the plusses are we met through interests and personality and bonded that way, not because of "best fit" with proximity, the minuses are not having them to literally be there physically sometimes. It does balance out though - and same as any friendship takes two willing to put in the effort to stay in touch and not just "hang out".

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I too have many online friends. I play trivia in an msn group and I have met many wonderful people that way. Some are friends, some are just people I say hi to, and now, I'm proud to say, I'm dating one of them! We met saturday night and had a great time and I'm so glad we did. He's a great guy and I'm thankful for the trivia room that brought me to him.


So yeah, online friends are a great thing to have. There's one girl who lives in Australia (really far from me here in Canada) that I can talk to about anything, and her with me, including how nervous I was meeting the guy lol.


Nothing wrong with it at all! You could make some really good friends, and possible even have one of them become something more one day.

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  • 2 months later...

How many of you have good/close online friendships?

Unfortunately, I've lost contact will most of the people I met online thru chat rooms or websites. I now have one close online friend, and hope that the result will not turn out to be like the rest.


Do you write letters back & forth to each other? "penpals"

Yup, we've been doing that for a while now. It's more like E-penpals though, with the addition of E-greeting cards.


Talk thro Ims/emails? or even maybe talk over the phone?

We talk through IM and E-mail, haven't considered talking over the phone.


Have you ever felt really close to somebody over the net like so much you actually think of them as your real life friend? (even tho you never met)

Yeah, it's ironic how it feels that we've known each other for a long time. You're always looking forward to hearing from that person, and you actually do think of them as your real-life friend.

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I met a girl a year ago(she was a friend of my bestfriends gf), and got her aim sn. We casually talked but we never got to actually meet again. We talked about meeting places but neither of us have a car, and she lives like 5 miles away (and my parents dont wanna drive me to a girls house or anything)


Well last sunday i went with my friend to one of his gf's friends house and walked in to see a beautiful girl sitting on the couch. I had no idea who it was, and it ended up being her. We talked like the rest of the night hitting it off really good. lol she ended up stealing my cell, and putting her number in it without me even knowing.


Im glad i talked to her on the internet, it allowed us to get to know eachother better, then when we finally saw eachother again, we just got to flirt, and hang out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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