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I like my best friend, but I don't know if shes bi

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I really like my friend and shes a girl but I don't know if shes that way or not, its somthing that I really think about, all the time, I'm not sure if I should ask her, and just deal with the weridness if shes not, but if she is it'll be great...but if shes not thats gonna be weird...sometimes she acts like she is, but other times she doesn't. I have like dreams about her and shit...I just don't know what to do cause its killing me not to know and its gonna hurt so bad if shes not! What should I do? I think I have kinda strong feelings for her.....not just about sex...and I seriously want a relationship! So any advice would help...and if she is and I get the oppurtunity....could someone tell me some good places I could kiss her or touch her that she might like?

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Someone please help me...I really need some advice with this!!! Its been hard to deal with this and not know what to do about it! I still haven't said anything to her about it, but I think shes getting the vibe, but I still don't know how she feels about it or me? Please...anyone who can help it would be great! If you could just tell me like what I should look for or something if she likes me like that or not!?

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ok, i'll try help..


ask her vague questions about her feelings toward girls, maybe slightly suggest that you are interested in girls..

maybe it will go somewhere from there, but if not, hint that you are interested in her, flirt with her, eye contact is important..touching..leaning in when talking..

be sweet, listen to what she says, see how she reacts..

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I don't know if you are still checking this board, but I have some suggestions for you...

I think it would be helpful if you knew how she felt about other gay people first. Why don't you suggest renting a movie that has a lesbian theme, that way you can talk about the topic without revealing your own desires right away. One movie you could rent is called "Bound" and it has Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon, two straight actresses who actually have some great chemistry together on the set. Tell her you heard it was a good movie and worth checking out.

During the course of the movie, you could just casually say something like "i've always wondered what it would be like to be with another girl". Stay away from words like "lesbian/gay/bi" as these would probably make you feel nervous saying them in front of her.

You could also tell her you thought the kiss between Britney and Madonna was hot. That would be a good conversation starter.

The key right now is to figure out where she stands. Even if you decide not to persue your best friend, it would be nice to know if you can count on her for support if you start to experiment with other girls.

Not knowing how old you are makes it a little hard to give any more advice, but I really hope this helps a little.

Write back if you are still in need.

Take care,


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Thank you for that advice....tonight is actually the night we always watch movies so I will definatley rent that one! I'm 18 and so is she....a lot of things happened this weekend with us, nothing to far but I think the flirting went far......we are always together so thats a good sign right? Well, since we have been hanging out we have not really talked about it at all, but friday night we were all drinking and well I told her how I felt...she didn't act weird...she actually acted like she was interested, but we haven't talked about it since friday night.....but she always wants to touch me....she always finds a way, like she always wants me to sit on her lap, and she plays with my hair a lot....or if were in the car she puts her hand on my leg and like uses her nails....but nothings been said or has happened....I really have strong feelings for her but I dont know what to do! Your advice really helped me, do you have anymore?


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you said you are friends, so i encourage you to open the topic about girl-to-girl and watch out for her reaction. if she's into it, then good for you.you can take the next step which is to tell her how u really feel for her.. but if she's not into it, don't despair.. because there's still a possibility for her to get into it if you make her feel really special. if it still does not work.. you just have to respect her.. about your question.. it seems you want to get intimate with her soon..that's normal but taking it really slow and just waiting when time will permit you to kiss her and do your stuff is definitely much memorable and pleasurable for you both.. goodluck

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You could also tell her you thought the kiss between Britney and Madonna was hot.


eww! that was definitely not hot. like kissing your grandma..though i very much respect madonna on every other aspect of her..but that was low..of both of them..




I dont think you need to talk about it. she seems very comfortable knowing what you told her. next time she asks you to sit on her lap, i suggest you make a move on her..

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Well thanks everyone for everything....I finally told her and she feels is like that and wants to try stuff with me but I just dont know how to make any moves or how to start anything...so does anyone have any advice with that?


Thanx again to EVERYONE!!!

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