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Taking advantage of those that are vulnerable?


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I broke up with my ex because she lied about her contact with another guy friend. This guy was into her, but she denied it to my face. Next thing you know, a few days after we break up, he tries to kiss her, and she is a bit freaked out/thinks its too soon/and claims is still in love with me. But then again, she posts pictures of him and her and other friends on facebook relating to her birthday party. What's going on..


Should I be happy that if they start dating he will do the same to her with another girl one day? Why do guys do this.. and girls, if you JUST got out of a relationship, and one of your guy friends tried to take advantage of your vulnerability, what would you do?

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Even if he was attracted to her, she didn't have to lie to you about it. She is the one who caused you problems here, so don't lay the blame solely on him. No one should ever pursue someone already in a relationship, in a perfect world everyone would have more courtesy and respect, but it doesn't work like that. However, all your girlfriend had to do was cut him short and shoot him down. Either she enjoyed the attention or she was into him and didn't want to close that door in case... oh, you broke up.


I have been in the 'just broken up, male friend tries it on' situation. It really depends on the girl and what she's hoping for. If there's a mutual attraction there then she might go for it, but some girls will just freak out and back off, regardless of how they feel.


Let it go. It's not your problem how he treats her or how their relationship goes, if they even have one. Move on.

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I would'nt even worry about her. She did you wrong and at least you were strong enough to take care of it. If she's doing it now, image what she will do later. I was and idiot because I saw the warning signs and continued to try to make it work. It just would not work because she didn't see a problem with what she did.

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From time to time, I still want to be with her, if only she realized how much she hurt me. But I don't know if that will ever come. She says she loves me, but she lied to me and never admitted it, but instead covered it up with more lies. I feel like she just loved all the attention.


Lately I find myself googling "how to get over my ex" as supposed to "how to get my ex back" , I know in my mind that I need to let go, but I dont understand what keeps me waiting around time to time if she will come back and apologize. I love her and wish I didn't right now. Even if I occupy myself, when I am placed in certain situations (like being at my university) I feel rather uncomfortable knowing that she isnt there for me to run and talk to.


I saw her a few days ago, and she looked so upset. But I just tried to easse the situation by putting on a brave face and pretending like nothing happened.

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When you are female and young, you have all the power. Boys are fun to play with. It is not until we are older and you are older that we see each other as equals and not toys to be played with. C'mon guys, you lead girls on, also! It's all in fun until one day you wake up and realize it isn't anymore. That's when you are ready to settle down and be an adult.

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