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Emergency please help!


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So for those of you haven't read my posts, I broke up with my ex-gf of 2.5 years ( we were on and off for abt a year) because she enjoyed the attention of me (her bf) and another guy who would always flirt with her. She gave me an ultimatum, and I chose to leave her. We have gone 6 weeks of NC, and a few days ago I ran into her at the grocery store. She was in line, and she was looking around and pretended not to see me. However, I caught onto that, and I didn't want to be a jerk so I went up to her and asked how she was doing and whatnot. She wasn't upbeat as usual, and she seemed rather sad. A few days later, she was involved in a car accident, and once I had learned of it, I called her and left a message saying that I was sorry to hear what happened, and that if she needed anything at all, to call me. She has yet to acknowledge the call.


Originally during those 6 weeks, she had tried to make me jealous by posting pictures of her and that guy hanging out and stuff, and also trying to get a reaction out of me. And I ignored all of it, and I was getting along great until all this happened. Now I'm feeling a bit upset. And despite her attempts to make me jealous, I kindheartedly asked her how she was doing, and tried to ask her if she was alright after the accident.


I dont get it. I broke up with her because she wanted to "have her cake and eat it too" but why did she seem so upset when I saw her? And why hasn't she acknowledged my message about the accident?

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but why did she seem so upset when I saw her?


I broke up with her because she wanted to "have her cake and eat it too"


There's your answer.


Honestly, if she was feeling the need to get attention from another guy I wonder if you had been attentive with her. Maybe her ultimatum was to try and get you to react and pay more attention to her. I don't know.


If you dated for 2.5 years then I'm sure it's hard for her to see you and realize that you are fine with seeing her and not sad or anything. Maybe she was uncomfortable. Maybe she was upset from the car accident.


Bottom line is that you broke up with her, she's upset. Let her go.

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