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Can I get a little support


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Its been almost two months since I have talked to my ex. She dumped when life was getting hard. My grandmother passed away, my aunt is dying. A guy close to me at work committed suicide. The problem was I should have dumped her a long time ago. She was staring at other men looking for attention. And even when I told her it hurt me she still did it. She would confine in other men and tell everyone about our problems. I was no saint, I would break up with her and get in her face. But then come right back to her. And we would continue this cycle. I just heard from a friend of a friend that she was asking if she should call and she misses me and loves me. Know I got my hopes up and she still hasn't called. Why do I miss her so much, why do I want to text her and say hello. When I know I'am going to get hurt. I am sorry but I really cant talk to anyone one of my family and friends because they are sick of me talking about it. Can some one just give me some kind words?

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From what youve said it didnt sound like a healthy relationship with all the pushing and pulling all the time, that becomes a game of control and ego trips. I think you know yourself that it wasnt right but because your pride has been hurt from the rejection you are searching for a way to get that back, that is what is leading you back to her. Sounds like the decision to split was warranted regardless of who did it. Ask yourself do you want to be in that kind of relationship...the on off one with games and arguements or do you want something more mature and mutually fullfilling...... you both deserve that.

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Dude, My gf dumped me when I found out my dad was dying. She told me it was too much for her to deal with. She admitted she had alot on her plate and I was too much to deal with. That was in June. I feel for you. Women like ours are no good and we're better off. I'm still struggling to accept that even though I believe it

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If you heard that she still loves you, maybe you should contact her? I don't really know the whole story.


BUT keep in mind that traumatic life events like what you are going through can cause us to miss them more - but it can be misleading - we are stressed and looking for comfort and familiarity...

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