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Cervical dysplasia and colposcopy


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So last week (at a highly embarassing time no less), I got a call from my ob/gyn office informing me that my PAP results were abnormal and that they wanted me to return for a colposcopy.


Naturally this began to freak me out a bit - I've never been anything but healthy in this department. She tried to explain some of my results as best she could over the phone... but I happened to be in downtown Boston at the time, and we got disconnected once, and I was also talking to a nurse and not my regular doctor since she was apparently on vacation.


However the jist I got was that my results showed dysplasia, most likely caused by HPV, but it was not cancer.


So I guess right about now ... I'm a bit nervous. About my girly bits, yes... And about the procedure I have to go in for a bit later this month.


Anyone else gone through this? Was the procedure painful? Quick? Were you able to go about your day afterwards or did you cramp and bleed (I'm supposed to do this before work.. ugh)?


I understand that depending on what the doctor finds, my next step may be another procedure or surgery... I guess I cross that bridge when I come to it, but any stories are welcome. New territory for me.

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i've had a colposcopy before. it's nothing. it hurts for a half second.


it feels like really really strong menstrual cramps while they clip some tissue out of you but then it's done. i don't remember how i felt after, b/c tis was back in high school. they thought it was something to do with HPV too but i turned out to be completely fine.


good luck!

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Thanks hun.... that makes me feel a bit better


I had heard somewhere else that I may bleed quite a bit a cramp a lot and pretty much be done for the day.


At this point pretty much anything with my parts down there makes me sigh and just jump to the worst conclusion in my head... somehow convinced that something is going to go all wonky with me and I'll never be able to have kids. So yeah, I'm a bit nervous.

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When they said hpv, I freaked out b/c I knew that only as an std. But I turned out fine. Mine had nothing to do with what you've mentioned so I can't offer help on that but I do know the procedure wasn't bad. I may have had some cramping and spotting after but I don't remember it to be overwhelming or too much.


Don't be scared. Don't come up with a diagnosis before the doctors do b/c it'll just make you crazy!

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When they said hpv, I freaked out b/c I knew that only as an std. But I turned out fine. Mine had nothing to do with what you've mentioned so I can't offer help on that but I do know the procedure wasn't bad. I may have had some cramping and spotting after but I don't remember it to be overwhelming or too much.


Don't be scared. Don't come up with a diagnosis before the doctors do b/c it'll just make you crazy!


So true... and I know I have a tendency to do this... I just want to know... and I want to know right NOW, dammit! arrrr!


Not that I'm a hypochondriac by any means, I guess I just want to get to the bottom of things... sigh.


But thanks. And yes... the HPV thing is scary. For me not so much because it is an std (I've come to understand that it is pretty easy to pass - hard to avoid), but I guess because of all the problems it can cause... boo

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i've had a colposcopy before and it feels like a really bad bad cramp. i later found out that i had to have the surgery LOOP i believe it's called done. which is to take the abnormal cells off of my cervix. basically burning them off... yeah sounds scary. but i was put to sleep and it was just a minor surgery. i had no problems. no pain or anything.

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