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My boyfriend, the 2 year old

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We went to his aunt's house for the easter holiday and all his family were there. They say it's time to eat and he immediately pushes past everyone to be the first in line. I found this very immature and childish acting and i already felt out of place because i wasn't used to being around that side of his family that much. So my bf sees i'm not with him and pulls me behind him infront of everyone and gives me a plate and acts like i'm the child. This isn't the first family get together we've been to that he's done this. In my family usually the men go first and then then women wait out of respect. I think in my case today though i was mainly shy and nervous that i didn't want to go up right away and act like the food was all i was there for because i was working on my impression. I tried talking to my bf about how i felt and all he said was.. "if you don't get up there first you won't get any at all". I'm not sure what to say or do to help him understand how i feel. Or maybe i should just let it go? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Manners are sometimes hard to come by for people. If that is the norm in his family then I say just let it go, however, when he is at your families house you are going to need to let him know he has to play by your rules. He has to understand that.


Other then this one little thing is he always this rude? Does he open doors for you, is he otherwise polite? This really should determine how far you press this issue. If he is just going to act like a neanderthal all the time then why would you want to deal with that the rest of your life?? If he just has this one pestering problem then I would let it go...

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think this is a minor thing that he will probally grow out of sooner or later you just have to get used to it and it will eventually stop. liek my b/f he woudl always blow bubbles in his drink when we went out and everyone would look to us like i was taking care of him and it was so imberrassing but he eventually stopped thank god and if you really like him then you won't let sumthing small ( but emberrassing) get into ur realtionship



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Usually he's not like that, just when his family eats. If we're at mine he won't run to get inline but will give me a look like, "c'mon i'm hungry". As far as his other manners, he opens my car door if we go anywhere, the house door, says please and thank you. So i guess you're right and i should just let it go, but what about my feeling out of place. I'm not sure if i should just not let things like that bother me and relax a little more. Besides if his parents didn't think that i should be there or didn't like me they wouldn't make it a point to tell my bf to invite me to their family things.

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Different families have different ways of doing things. You said in your family the men go first and the women wait.. in his family.. sounds like everyone just kinda goes at once, and im my family, at big family get togethers, it's usually kids go first, then after that it's first come first served. So all im saying, is you kinda gotta try to adapt to how different families do different things.


As for your feeling of uncomfortableness, how many times have you had family get togethers with his family? How long have you been going out? As you get to know the family better, you SHOULD become more comfortable with them, and how they work, and just generally being around them, i know my first family get togethers with my boyfriend were awkward, but soon after, you become more comfortable, if not, i guess you have a couple options, either, avoid the get togethers like the plague, or talk to you boy abotu it.


I think you should talk to your boy anyway... push the subject with him.. let him know how your feeling, communication is key.

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