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Maybe a guy can help me out with this one?!?

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I was engaged to this guy for almost a year. He broke it off recently because he said that he needs to get himself together and he can't concentrate on a relationship and me, while he does his own thing. He said that he loves me and he wants to continue to date me but he doesn't want to have that title. From a guys perspective is he just playing games or is he really sincere? If you don't want to be in a relationship why do you want to date me? Has any guy ever been in this situation? Should I just leave him alone?

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Well I never actually wanted to marry anybody, but being in a relationship or whatever for a teenager is almost the same, even though they don't normally last. Anyway, Perhaps this guy is scared to get married since being married is different than being on a relationship or dating. He fears that he'll have to tighten his belt and get a house and lay down alot of money, or he could even be scared of devorce. He still cares about you since he told you so and he's not playing games if he's not taking money from you or loved ones. If you guys have alot of sex, maybe that too is why he wants to stay dating you but not marry you since its funner not doing it for kids, I guess. If you really want to marry him, try talking to him about it and tell him that you feel he's the one for you and your the one for him and all that. Don't force him since resistance makes guys scared. If he still doesn't want to marry you, you can stay with him if you want to have a 'shak'n up' kindda thing, but if not being married bothers you, I suggest you break it off.

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This one is too easy.....He probably demoted the relationship, cause he found someone else....why else would he not want the "title"....what he doesn't want is the guilt if he is seeing another person....and while he is keeping you around..in case things don't pan out with the other person....a safety net if you will....now I understand that he may be sincere about it....but thats just candy coating it...Why does he need to get himself together??.....and if he does?...why does he have to break up with you?....or maybe he's confused....confused about what?.....sounds like theres choices...what are those choices?...anyways I'm not tryin to scare you or be pesimistic..but this one is way to easy..lets us know....goodluck

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I was engaged to this guy for almost a year. He broke it off recently because he said that he needs to get himself together and he can't concentrate on a relationship and me, while he does his own thing. He said that he loves me and he wants to continue to date me but he doesn't want to have that title. From a guys perspective is he just playing games or is he really sincere? If you don't want to be in a relationship why do you want to date me? Has any guy ever been in this situation? Should I just leave him alone?[/u]



it sounds like he is playing games and he may already have a relationship and want you on the side or needs you to fullfill a desire.

I have when i already had a girl i thought was leaveing me.

follow your heart you can use eachother or become one with each other.


thats the best i can do with the background info.


much love


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Sorry to hear about your ordeal. You must feel kinda cut after facing such a rejection. But on the bright side - at least he's still willing to date you and eventually you can probably get another chance at getting married.


It's hard to understand hey, I kinda experienced the same thing. I guess some people just aren't ready and if they love you and you believe them, then there should be no doubt that theyr'e sincere. Some guys just can't handle the comittment, others wanna have fun and somehow have more of a reason to get away with things than they would if they were married. Some people just aren't ready to settle down yet etc.


But at the end of the day, hang in there, marriage isn't everything and if you think positive then you can still learn things about your guy and plus, good things take time, it'll be more worth it when you do tie the knot someday.



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