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I blew it! Why? Desperate girl!

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Ok I'm desperate, I admit! I met a guy last week at a little festival. I didn't talked to him, but we looked in each others eyes like … for hours and the mood was amazing! I already seen him at a party before.

The thing (at least I think that's the thing) is all my relationships seem to end so quickly and I only end up hurt. So now it seems like I have a lack of trust in guys or perhaps in myself... I just can't believe anymore, that this time it might work...

The guy was totally my type and I really wanted to go talk to him, and normally it goes automatically when I like a boy, and I notices he likes me … and the rest of the picture I don't have to tell you ;-)

But then there's also the part, why didn't he come to me? And the worst part of all I probably won't see him again in the first six months so I won't be able to undo my mistake. We study in the same city so I've seen him in the beginning of the school year, I'll probably see him back, but when … And how can it be, that someone can turn you so crazy by only looking into my eyes!

I now have to study for examines and the only think I can seem to think about is him! But can't do anything to undo my mistake and I can't do anything to forget it and forgive myself.

And yeah I already admitted I was desperate didn't I?

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No point in kicking yourself up at this point. At least it wasn't a total stranger which most likely you'd never bump into again. It's not uncommon for women to now walk up to men and introduce themselves when you sense a connection. On the other hand, he could have been interested and/or attracted to you, but may be in a relationship at the moment. Or... He could have been waiting for you to approach him..."the fear of rejection"


The real issue here though, might be to foucs on why you feel your relationships are short-lived or not working out. You mentioned that you were "afraid" to try again. I would give that some thought so when you do bump into prince charming again it'll be smooth sailing.



take care,


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Woah, you blewit gurl! Ok that doesn't matter, because with every setback, there's a lesson to be learnt. In this case, even though it is true that guys are supposed to initiate the contact and make the first move but then again, gurls are supposed to stay at home and cook dinner all day aren't they?


Things change and if you really want something, you should take it into your own hands, next time, don't be too shy, if 20 minutes pass by and no one makes a move then go up to him. You can't even be sure if he was attracted to you or not. Sometimes I look into a chick's eyes all the time and I might have not a lot of attraction, just seems fun. Other times guys might look away, not because they don't like you maybe they're just really shy so you never know, you gotta ask if you wanna know for sure.


Just remember, seize the opportunity, make no regrets.



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