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Is he interested or not?

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I met a guy at a friends party last Saturday and we stayed up talking all night long. At the end on the night (well early sunday morning), he asked for my number and called Monday. We went out Monday night, had great conversation and went back to his apartment to watch a movie. After the movie we kissed for a while and ended up falling asleep later that night while watching TV. The next day I went home and he did not call until Friday morning. He apologized for not calling and said he was really busy with school work (he goes to a very difficult university). We had a nice conversation. He called again on Sunday but we were not able to talk long because he was doing volunteer work with his fraternity. He said he just called to say hello. He and I both have full schedules but he has not asked me out again and it is Wednesday and the weekend is approaching fast! I know he is not in it for sex because he is a virgin and my friend knows him and says he is not a player but a really good guy. Is he interested or is he just being nice by calling? I expected him to ask me out again by now because he only waited 2 days to ask me out the first time and on our first date he mentioned a second date and our "future relationship". Could he just not want to seem desperate?

Sorry I have went on so long but I really need advice to whether he is not interested or maybe just busy but he is interested. Thanks

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It does seem to intrested in you which is a good thing when you know that he's not in it for sex and that he's a good guy. Just take it slowly, let him know if your intrested (i take it that you are) and then just see how it goes from there. You know that he's going to be something important (worth while, career wise) when he's finished Univeristy, which is a good sign of commitment. If has alot of work to do then it's going to get him down but he is making an effort it seems to be with you so he must like alot to do this.


Hope this has helped


- whitefang

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Well he could be just busy since you said yourself that he goes to a hard college. However, you should call him to let him know you care about him. After all that studying, he might forget about you intirely. In a relationship, both people must make committments so maybe you can adjust to his time and make an effort to see him sometimes. I hope that helps.

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Although I could be possible that I don't know what I am talking about, it sounds to me that he is a very independent person who is involved with many hobbies. Doesn't mean he isn't interested in you. If he took the time to call just to say hi, I think that is a good sign. See how things go, you could always ask him how he sees your guys relationship. What ever you do, I don't think you should complain about how much time he spends on other things and not with you.


Be positive!

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