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The world is becoming a very tragic place..............

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I'm a 30 yr old woman. Married but getting divorced, and I have no kids. I'm at a point in my life where I feel that my purpose on this planet isn't so I can work 8 hours a day to pay off debt that I unfortunatley accumulated. It kills me to go into work and sit at my desk, knowing that I could be doing something better. Something to help this world, to help the people out there that don't have it so great. There something deep inside my that has been stirred. But I don't even know where to begin. I have recently began studying Buddism and found that Dharma is exactly what I have been needing in my life. I would love to find people who feel like I do. Yet I haven't had much luck trying to find information on Dharma.


Is there anyone out there that feels the way I do????????????????????

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I'm sorry to hear that you feel so down. Marrage problems can be a very diffcult and confusing time for anybody, so, to be honest, I'm not surprised you are having this moment of self-reflection. Self-reflection can be a good thing, and a bad thing. It just depends how you use it.


For example, if you just sat on the couch and felt sorry for yourself because you remember all the bad things that are going on in your life, well that wouldn't be really productive. But to me it sounds like you're ready to fix things in your life. Studying Buddism was definintely a good step for you. It shows that you are pro-active and ready to change and better your life. Dedicating yourself to something positive is a good thing, especially for somebody in your position.


Why is that you feel like you could be doing something better? Why don't you do something "better"?


Hope you find out what you need!

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I'm still young, but since i was little i have felt this way - I look at my parents and other adults around me, and i feel this isn't what i want to be, i want to do something positive in this world and make my life worthwhile. Not just another cog in the machine.

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I look at the world in a different manner. I believe that their is a balance to everything. Because of this, I try to stay as neutral as possible. If I do something good, in order to balance it out, someone else somewhere else must do something bad. I have noticed that really nice people often have really bad things happen to them, and a lot of really bad people have really good things happen to them. That is wht i discovered after months of research on Buddhism, I hope you find what you are looking for.

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  • 1 month later...

The world is a tragic place..


death and destruction all around..



everytime you turn on the telly you get it shot in your face..


personally I´ve never watched the news, I´ve never read a newspaper.



But there are so many good things in the world too, and I understand you are about to leave one of them.


But I assume it is for the best...




It feels wrong to tell you what to do, being only 20 years of age, never having been married or had responsibilities..


But despite of that, I think that if you really feel like saving the world, then start by saving a child, or do volunteer work.



I know of a few people who have left for third world countries to help people down there.. 1 of them got so deeply involved he hasn´t come back yet..



But it requires absolute devotion to do so, or it will feel like a waste.


But every little bit helps, so just giving money when the collectors knock on your door, might just be the penny you give that saves the village.



When you feel like you´re ready, you should get out there again, try and find that special someone..


Find someone who loves you of all his heart, and find someone you love of all your heart.. and I am absolutely positive that the world will seem a nicer place.

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  • 4 weeks later...

wow i totally feel the way you do life cannot be just doing out 8 hours a day and all that


there has to be more to it than this - i truly believe that i have tried to narrow down what I am suppose to be doing and have asked for it to be revealed to me - but nothing


hmmm still waiting and wanting more - maybe i have to go find it myself


Wish you the best



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