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Girls help!!!!!Please!!!!

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Ok girls you need to help me with this, ok. Im talking to taht girl for more than a week now, i feel that she likes me but she recently broke with her BF a month ago. I made her understand i wanted to be with her, and she was like "Sorry I dunno wat i want now!!!" What would this mean?.

Ok thanks for replying.

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It means exactly what it sounds like: She doesn't know what she wants!


Break-ups are usually painful, even on the person who ends it. Chances are she's confused about the relationship and is still harboring feelings for her ex. This was not the best time to ask her out, but since it's already been done I think that you should give her some space and not bring it up again.


When she's ready and if she's interested she'll come to you.

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I agree. Now's probably not the best time to try to pursue her to have a romantic relationship.


Of course, if you're strong enough, you could always just be there if she needed a friendly shoulder to cry on while she's getting over her ex but don't expect anything else but friendship from her until she comes to you.


The best romantic relationships come out of a well-grounded friendship. Take this time to get to know her as a friend if she'll let you in. Perhaps just tell her that you're available if she needs someone to talk to at any time... but don't bug her or pester her afterwards, back off until she comes to you. You might have scared her off alittle by adding too much pressure too soon for her, but don't give up hope.


Hope this helps...

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