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Differences in age and understanding...

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an observation:


there seems to be quite a variance in age amongst all the posters here. i've seen 16 year olds give advice to 40 year olds and vice versa. while i believe knowledge can be found anywhere from anyone and age doesn't matter, but it seems that we forget, especially when we talk about dealing with the details, that people of vastly different ages see things differently. for example: i would have been more prone to jealousy if my gf had a close male friend when i was 16, but being almost in my 30's now, it hardly elicits any reaction from me. the same is true, when i was 16, a serious relationship in my mind isn't even close to how i define it now. just food for thought when responding to others and/or receiving advice. know the source.

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Personally ziggystar, I think that that is what makes this site so valuable, you get to seek advice from a whole range of people that you might not come into contact within the normal course of your life. The advice offered here transcends gender, age, ethnicity, culture, class, professin and sexuality. As far as I am concerend, that is a great thing!!


G xx

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i have noticed that also, i agree with you that advice, no matter who it is from or their age advice is still advice, but i think that if someone older than you does give you advice then it is still as good as someone who is younger if not better becuase they have the experience from when they were younger, so they will be wiser on certain situations.


maybe sometimes it would be better to withhold your age, say, if you were advicing someone older on their serious relationship of many years, because the author may think that your advice isnt as great because you were alot younger rather than someone who is older and may have experience


i dont really know where i was going with this so i will leave it, and just say that i agree with the advice is advice.


~LJ =;

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as i said in my post, advice can be found anywhere from anyone. but you must treat all advice with some equanimity depending on who is giving it. and age does have a factor. can someone who is sixteen, give advice on how to handle how one should handle a new relationship and their responsibilities to their children for a 45 year old? it's possible, but...


life experiences count.

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I think everyone can offer their own perspective on the situation. In your example, a 16 year old could give you advice from the perspective of a young person perhaps already dealing with that very situation with their family.


I don't think people should discount others advice just because of their age. You never know what a fresh perpective on things can do for you.



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avman: i hear what you are saying.


it just disturbs me that there are confused people seeking advice and seeking solid advice, they get a barrage of advice that is often contradictory from different people. and i suppose it doesn't matter about age, as i've seen people of the same age give seemingly irrational advice to each other. and i also suppose, that occurrence happens outside of the internet too. but it is difficult to discern what is good advice, when confused to begin with. i guess that is the burden of being in any situation.

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Advice is just that - advice. Its someone's opinion. That doesn't make it right for you in your situation. Its simply a suggestion, or comforting words.


Nobody here is a therapist (well ok, I'm jumping to conclusions but its probably safe). So we are all just offering help and advice based on what we know. Age really doesn't matter. No matter where you go or who you ask you will always receive contradictory advice. You just have to weigh that advice and make the best decision you can.

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Personally, i think it is important to have conflicting advice. It gives the poster an opportunity to look at the situation from different perspectives and then decide on what course of action is best depending on the perspective they agree with.

This can help to shed new light on situations and take into account different opinions.


But thats just my opinion...



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