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lost something so good.

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I think i have lost this one girls interest in me, i waited to long to do anything and now it feels so diffrent between us. The feeling when where togehter is like not romanticy feelin or anything like that most of the time, it feels weird, kinda like theres still that feeling for me there but she doesnt want to show it or something, we still talk but not as much as we used to. She does not look for me anymore when im gone or say lil things to me it sux. what can i do to get her back?.

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Been there before, and I'm actually there now. Don't think its over so soon. It could just be that you feel things are bad and she doesn't. Maybe she's pre-occupied with something else and it just seems like its directed towards you. Just like Sn0man said, better start doing something now. Maybe you could try talking to her about it, if you think you can. I would try to get your relationship back to where it was and ask her out. Good luck!

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