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Guys please give some insight.

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We were together for two years broke up two months ago. I broke with him on my B-day because he acted he didn't care. We had beenarguing for a while but what couples don't. 3 days after we broke up he was with someone else already.....can't believe this. He has told me that he was tired of the arguing and when i broke up with him he was glad..... i think he did what he did to make me brake up with him. Well i thougth this is good we need time apart from each to cool down and figure out what was going on. we spent everday together for 2 years...didn't hang out with friends or anything...we needed a brake. I just didn't expect him to jump into a relationship with someone in 3 days. This woman had just started the seperation process from her husband and has a 3 year old son. About a week ago the ex calls and wants to talk. He comes over and says that the new woman is getting on his nerves......sexually she dosen't satisfy him and how much everyone says that i am so much better for him. We spend the next 4 days together he brakes up with her and i think okay we are going to work this out. Wrong he sees her at work calls me up says he still has feeling for her and he needs to figure this out. I find out that he is back with her. What should I do. This has to be a rebound. I love this man so much but just can't take the emtional roller coaster anymore. What should I do. I know that he still has feelings for me but I think he just shuts his emotions down. Is this a rebound relationship. I was at his house and read some of the cards she had sent him they were talking about what their children would look like...they have only been together 2 months just dating...moving kind of fast. Please help....any advice would be appreciated.

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You didn't say how old any of you were, and that can really matter. He might be at a age where he wants to have a family. I am 25 now and I am thinking about kids in a few years, a 3 year old boy is very easy to make bonds with. And so this new woman could be his easy way in. But it's hard to say without knowing that much

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I am 26 and he is 26. I know that he wants a family. We talked about it all the time. I just can't understand why throw 2 years down the drain with someone that you caould have all this with. We just needed time apart but to jump into a relationship 3 days after we broke up just blows my mind. This woman is 32 and just got separated from her husband.

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Well i am younger than you, and probably less experenced when it comes to relationships. But i will give my third-party perspective:


If you did get back together I could see their being some trust issues, his recent endeavors may cause you to become suspicious and paranoid.


My close friends mother went through a similar situation. She was with a man having an on-again-off-again relationship. He was skipping between her and a younger woman with a 2 year old. Finally she got tired of it, and left him for good. Good thing too, cause it turns out the other woman was pregnant with his kid.


Relationships need more than love to survive. There needs to be trust and respect as well. Sometimes you end up loving a person that you cant trust or that shows you little respect. You arent being fair to yourself if you dont find someone that can offer you all three. Losing love hurts, but gaining the RIGHT kind of love will be wonderful.

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